What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Monday, April 22, 2024

True Names

Our best is our most sincere.

Words matter; what we name the many aspects throughout our lives, carries weight both in our communications as well as our own sincerity to our true selves.

Social media and the Internet at large have always been very clear for me: vast opportunities and great potential shrouded by many manipulations and confusion.

Like all media before, the machine has done it's work to rein in any momentum when people gather and join in sincerity. The wheels turn in on themselves and apathy is cultivated rather than the unification potential of being able to share ideas in nearly real-time, physically.

We often celebrate inventors or artists when massive cultural shifts take place, however, God is always behind every single movement in reality.

Why does the Internet exist? People "engineered" it for a purpose and yet God allows it for His own purpose. It is a physical representation of our infinite interconnectedness; the cumulative human organism...US ALL as ONE.

We've been hell-bent on physically comprehending our place in the Universe and we've lost touch with many of our innate powers of mind: Telepathy, the observation field, mindful healing, etc...God is reminding us of who we are.

In this reminiscing, we MUST call things by their true name.

Social media is a platform for connection. We have the opportunity to come together on the most sound and righteous terms; infinite truth can be held as such and we can embrace each other in our true light.

The true name for the internet is "a step in salvation."

May we find the strength and power to observe it as such.

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