What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Supportive Physics

-Current Graphs-
A good site for general graphs concerning global human experiences.


Perhaps the most fundamental focal point of our problem today is based upon the Western world's understanding of disease. The truth supports our cause and in this case the Cellular Theory of disease enforces individual equality and eliminates artificial hierarchy promoting positive health and adaptability and is therefore the truth.



-Technology and Cancer-
Once we understand the nature of disease (as described above) we can begin to see that it is a natural REACTION to artificial influence over the environment. Free Radicals are natural biological agents within a natural organism that can become cancer causing as a response to a toxic environment and can effect other biological cells within said biological organism. As human reliance upon technology becomes more prevalent today throughout the world the rise in cancer becomes more prevalent. Cancer is now the foremost cause of death in the world today. It is not a coincidence that limited human understanding (technological practice without understanding it's longevity effects on the environment) is a key variable in determining the role of free radicals in the human body.


Humankind has not developed a mainstream technological advancement that lasts (is timeless) without having a negative effect on the environment. Atomic energy produces perpetual waste, alloys decay and overload the soil and impregnate biological organisms as a replacement to natural elements such as calcium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead (scroll down 75% of the article for "biochemistry of lead poisoning") Technological advancement is too rapid to understand the natural effect of said technology upon the environment.

-EMF (electromagnetic field)-
The electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The electromagnetic field extends indefinitely throughout space and describes the electromagnetic interaction. It is one of the four fundamental forces of nature (the others are gravitation, the weak interaction, and the strong interaction). (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_field)

There has been NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE to support that EMF exposure has no ill effect upon electrically charged biological organisms such as human beings. There have been studies within a controlled period (as regulated by the WTO) that have shown no immediate (ten year) health effects for cell phone use, however, they all claim that long-term effects are inconclusive. Furthermore, more recent studies HAVE shown health effects tied to cell phone use. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_phone_radiation_and_health) (Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range and are being used as an example of EMF exposure)

-Superdeterminism vs. Quantum Mechanics-

The entire technological world is dependent upon the fundamental theories of empirical science. That which is considered reality can be confirmed through intellectual measurement and observation. If a practical mechanical function can be performed through intellectual design and application of technology this would confirm the reality of said technology. Right? This would infer that the four fundamental forces of nature (electromagnetic interaction, gravitation, the weak interaction and the strong interaction) are timeless and the technological representation of these forces would require no maintenance as the function is perpetual to the nature of things and is real, leaving no ecological scar upon reality. The question remains, why does technological application and human understanding breakdown and become replaced? Why does technical representation of human understanding have adverse effects upon the environment including the human species? Why does intellectual interpretation biodegrade? (the Earth is flat, the Earth is center of the galaxy, there is nothing smaller than a cell, atom, etc...) All insights begin as metaphysical and are measured and become physical. Within a short time span. Could it be that human intellect is limited to the natural interpretation of Quantum Mechanical Theory yet human intellect is not the way of perceiving natural law? A relevant question could be, "Why isn't there more focus on the physical reality of humankind's current role in the nature of things?"
Could it be that the reliability upon Free Will is the sole misguiding force behind the failure as a species to cultivate the adaptability of human potential?
The EPR Paradox supports the case of superdeterminism. The human intellect is incapable of measuring and observing the nature of all things due to an unknown variable. Unknown to the intellect of the human mind. The paradox and inability arises due to the laws of individual perspective, perception and free will and an individual's reliance upon these intellectual boundaries. The functioning of the artificial world is based upon constant factors that are biodegradable as the nature of things is ever changing. Quantum Mechanics is proposing that there are alternate realities at work that influence both particulate matter and ultimately everyday perceivable reality. This draws us further and further away from the truth of ourselves. Whereas superdeterminism would infer that reality is consistently ahead of human understanding. What would the results be if all of humankind accepted superdeterminism (events are predetermined and testing across two independent detectors would by physically irrational as results would occur faster than the speed of light, or beyond physical reality) and tested this physical theory upon the most significant natural force in regards to the human species? The human species itself.
Superdeterminism is fully supportive of any reality and has limitless potential. The evolution of things is supportive of superdeterminism. Human consciousness, sub-elemental energy, LOVE and human encounters with unexplainable natural phenomenon are supportive of superdeterminism. Therefore, superdeterminism is the truth as the concept is timeless and all encompassing and Quantum Mechanics is merely a fantastic imagination experiment as to what could be if the human intellect had the opportunity to explain (without experience) the nature of things.

-The Self-Reflective Thought Experiment-

A practical way for determining a fundamental value system based on nature is to take a critical evaluation of your life up to this moment. Consciously interpret every moment and memory you can recall that has helped in determining who you are. Consider what came from a natural perspective versus an artificial perspective. How can you tell the difference? Recall what you were able to experience on your own and how you felt through the experience. Did you experience good feelings (LOVE chemicals) or bad feelings (despair chemicals)? As well, recall communication from other perspectives that came from experience themselves versus what you received as "truth" from a non-experienced source. How did the information make you feel?

You should be able to step outside of what you currently are, run an evaluation on your life and see what was natural and what was artificial in actuality. You might see that everything that was based in TRUTH was surrounded in natural LOVE and the chemicals of LOVE. You might see how everything that felt like pain and suffering had a relation with artificial interpretation or oppression, including your own intellectual barriers.

After a critical analysis of your life you might see that LOVE comes from within and works all around you as a lesson that LOVE is the highest power that leads to the strongest WILL to LIVE.

-List of natural phenomena NOT not understood through scientific (intellectually empirical) means-

These natural phenomena are understood as observable (they happen) yet there is no clarity as to the definition of "why" these phenomena occur or exactly "what" they are. This is important because much of our actuality today is based around the scientific "assumptions" (Theory) of these phenomena and the technology used to perpetuate the assumptive scientific understanding of said phenomena rather than the complete truth as to their cause and effect. The technology is based on Theory.

1) Consciousness http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consciousness
2) Human aging http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senescence
3) Matter / Energy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model
4) Life
5) Death
6) Nature

The list goes on and on. Frankly, we have no idea what we are in the way we construct our actuality and ultimately our cultures. We have relied upon intellect in our technological application and it is OBVIOUS that intellect can't define what we are. We have no clue what our needs are when we rely upon our intellect and this shows in our extremely harsh reaction to poor technological design. Therefore, technology is not logical at all.

- Observation and measurement leads to variations in natural phenomena-

We in fact impact reality! In our attempt to observe and measure the nature of things for predicting natural phenomena (particle physics and astrophysics) we invariably effect said natural phenomena. As Heisenberg observed with his famous gedanken microscope experiment, when the invisible quanta of action must be taken into account in the measurement process, the uncontrollable disturbance to the electron eventually made it impossible to assign simultaneously precise values of position and moementum, as regulated by an uncertainty relation. Meaning, we simply cannot observe nature without impacting it's actuality.

This means that Superdeterminism is still the only TOE (Theory of Everything) that takes into account all natural phenomena including our consciousness.

It appears to be no coincidence that ALL mystical figures have the same underlying message. There is a higher consciousness at work that we have the ability to interact with and ultimately, align with. Perhaps our greatest achievement as a species will be to realize that we are already aligned with the highest consciousness as we are carriers of said consciousness due to all of nature being present in our composition. We are the dirt, sky, stars and universe all wrapped into one being. We are walking atomic machines, with nuclear reaction resulting in consciousness that works as a central observation deck to internal processes that surpass any scientific procedural experiment and result in a complete mind. We are Nature's greatest expression. The biological carriers of LOVE.

- Periodic Table of Elements -


The periodic table of elements is a PERFECT tool for measuring the current condition of scientific "progress".  This can be seen in the rapid expansion of known elements over the past 30 years (since the physical testing of Quantum Mechanics began).  When Max Planck first proposed the consistency of light quanta (photons) having energy values (electron configuration or electromagnetic wave) proportional to their frequency (proton configuration) thus forming Planck's constant, this began the work of global physicists in expanding upon the nature of things solely interpreting the functionality of said Quanta.  It became quickly understood that low energy fields provided limited measurement capabilities.  This was due to the unwillingness of Einstein, Planck and other humanitarian physicists to breach the moral rule of true physics.  What is the moral rule of TRUE science?  Perhaps it can best be understood by a quote from historian Howard Zinn.  He said, "Any human and reasonable person must conclude that if the ends, however desirable, are uncertain and the means are horrible and certain, these means must not be employed."  It can be stated that the forefathers of particle physics (Erwin Schrodinger, Max Planck, Max von Laue, Albert Einstein )indeed were reasonable and humane.   Whereas the forefathers of Quantum Mechanics (Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli) were not.  The Copenhagen interpretation as lead by these men has various implications and perhaps the greatest is the requirement of HIGH ENERGY FIELDS for observation.  What does this mean?  This means that in order to measure and observe the proposed properties of material existence (physics) within the Quantum scale (scalar) useable natural (Earthbound) energy must be converted into objective high energy through the means of compound radioactive electromagnetism.  The only way to recreate energy fields that simulate Universal (out of Earth) energy fields is to recreate the Universal machines (biochemical processes) that result in said energy fields.  We do this through elemental manipulation and electromagnetism in high energy conductors.  Such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Switzerland).  What does all of this mean?  It means that the efforts of current day particle physicists that are dependent upon the activity of these machines are ridicule to the effects of said activity.  These machines do NOT have a beneficial scar upon our environment.  On the contrary, simply to operate the machine there has to be a massive cooling effect (utilizing liquid Helium that is mined from below the Earth's surface) as well as a high energy input (2.4 tons of TNT (10GJ) in the magnets and 173 kg of TNT (724 MJ) in the energy beams).  This is enough energy to satisfy a large community for a long time or energize a humanitarian effort for benefiting the human condition.  As well, look at the periodic table of elements as noted above.  ALL of the elements utilized and created within these high energy field generators are DISASTROUS to biological life.  They have HIGH radioactivity and LOW half lives.  They are meant to exist as energy fields outside of the Earth's biological atmosphere.  They are NOT supposed to exist upon the Earth yet the scientific community has become dependent upon them for their own curiosity.  These highly dynamic yet poisonous elements can be seen as a simple example of what FALSE science can do.  False science utilizes destructive means to satisfy curiosity.  True science would be satisfied at the perfect functionality of nature as the means needed to satisfy the observation of said nature are simply destroying our ability to exist.  After all, they are only looking for something that is already happening.  Just as it always has and always will.  Now we can see the extreme example of what our intellect can lead us to do.  We are distancing ourselves from what we are.  Perhaps particle physicists should recognize that the energy fields they are creating already occur on Earth within the most dynamic atomic machine to ever exist.  Themselves.  The human body.  Us.  Our consciousness is more dynamic than any technical interpretation that will ever be understood.  This is because the Universe and Nature is a blueprint of what we are.  

-Abraham Maslow- "The Human Hierarchy of Needs"

Self-transcendence < TruthFest2012 > 06/22 16:40:13

A while back, somebody posted something about Maslow establishing the ultimate need of a human being self-transcendence vs. actualization shortly before his death in 1970.


A little over halfway down of the document the "self-transcendence" subject is outlined in regards to Maslows' perspective.

"Peak experience" is how he referred to this state of experience.


"In which they (people) become aware of not only their own fullest potential, but the fullest potential of human beings at large."

As in a human recognizing humanity. Self recognizing the greater self.


Thanks Maslow!

Final interview: < TruthFest2012 > 06/22 20:59:25

Maslow: Psychology Today interview

"I had a vision of a peace table, with people sitting around it, talking about human nature and hatred, war and peace, and brotherhood. I was too old to go into the army (1941). It was at that moment I realized that the rest of my life must be devoted to discovering a psychology for the peace table. That moment changed my whole life. Since then, I've devoted myself to developing a theory of human nature that could be tested by experiment and research. I wanted to prove that humans are capable of something grander than war, prejudice, and hatred. I wanted to make science consider all the people: the best specimen of mankind I could find. I found that many of them reported having something like mystical experiences."

Human potential is dictated through the condition of the species as a whole, as observable through the "stage of life" he (Maslow) as well as "the best specimen of mankind" he could find.

The context of this final interview was a UNIFYING CONCEPT.

Just like Albert Einstein. MLK, Jr. John Lennon.

While some of us believe success is an individually attainable system, others (including all of the above) recognized the connection of all humanity.

Success can only be measured in one number. Longevity. Length of experience.

Anything else is a regurgitation of the cycle through the absence of conscious change.

Therefore, we needn't expect a similar outcome upon a shift in consciousness. At the humanitarian level.

I am more intrigued by ANY thoughts of ANY individual at ANY stage of his / her life. It's all here for me, as it's all here for you and everyone else. Let's use it wisely.