This is a collection of my writings and posts from other Internet forums. Anything I've written that can be resourced I will post (along with some context explaining the writing) under the "Expressive Rant" category.
Unity, the Conscious thoery of everything 1 Week, 4 Days ago
Greetings ZM advocates. As many of you already know there is an underlying message that has attracted you to the efforts of TZM and TVP. Sure there is technological innovation and efficiency discussions. We see talks about a collapsing system and the possibility of a much more humane technical approach. Meanwhile, there is a deeper phenomenon that is bridging the gap between the differences in our approach. Our approach for unity. A shared cause. A unified humanity. The "how" and the "what" of the movements are less relevant when compared to the "why" of the movements. The "why" is unity. A great example of the subconscious draw for a unified existence could be summarized by the work of Simon Sinek. Here he is speaking on TED.
We can actually take his understanding a step further and show that there are biological implications to what we believe in. Perhaps the most thorough explanation of this phenomenon can be found through the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton. (search Youtube for Bruce Lipton)
You see, what you believe in not only molds your own actuality (perception of environment resulting in action) but it also impregnates your genetic code altering the actuality of your cellular structure, or, ability to experience health. All of this states that micro-organisms (life) are working TOGETHER to perpetuate the whole of biological existence (life). As well, we are merely representatives of a fractal unit within a grander unit of functioning mechanics. A sort of blueprint within a blueprint that relies upon a more elemental blueprint. All blueprints function exactly the same, just at different scales and at different rates. Now, the differences converge and are eliminated the more we rationalize the exactness of these proportions.
Many of us base our physical understanding on intellectual interpretations of other individuals or groups. Philosophy and science such as Darwin's Evolution, Pasteur's Germ theory, Bohr's Quantum Mechanics, any major religion's God, etc...
Well, these philosophies all have shortcomings. They rationalize your weaknesses. They proclaim your miniscule existence as a short of mundane inadequate vantage point within an overpowering reality. All you have to do is surrender and you will eventually cease to exist or "evolve" into another plane. This feeling of "hopelessness" has harmful side effects. Chemicals of despair float through the body and eliminate the potential functionality of various organs and ultimately cells. This alters DNA in such a way that the natural balance will create a VAST physiological difference in the offspring of the "diseased" (desperate) individual. This is why the children of the industrial generation are so rebellious. They have a WISDOM that comes from a natural genetic code to eliminate harmful philosophy.
Well, for those of us that are not willing to surrender to the intellectual interpretation of others, there is hope. In fact, there is a reality that is beyond the constraints of these incomplete philosophies. It's the oldest philosophy of all and it's the strongest emotion we can feel. It results in a complete desire to exist and a conscious will to live that rivals that of our subconscious survival instinct. LOVE.
I'm not talking about the scientific description of "survival of the fittest." I'm talking about the actual chemical interaction that places an individual into a serene bliss. During exposure to these chemicals such as oxytocin, an individual has no concern for time or whatever reality may have been impressed upon the individual. Everything falls into place and the individual is experiencing a direct connection with nature.
Now, how does this have anything to do with those that are oppressed and cannot experience LOVE or similar positive experiences? Well, quite frankly, we NEED them more than we currently know. The experience of ALL human beings at any given time directly effects your experience as an individual. We are literally connected and it is this coordination with that truth that will evolve the species in a positive manner. A coordinated effort or UNITY of humankind towards a HEALTHY species will lift the greatest burden to all of humankind. Longevity and the effects of Cellular senescence.
Currently, there is no science to describe the "why" of cellular senescence. Cells simply stop dividing "magically" after a set number of divisions in human beings. We are perfectly regenerative at one point, and the next, we are not healing. We are dying. Well, that is because of our INTELLECTUAL misunderstanding of what we are. That is because we look at others die and proclaim our own fate beyond this existence. Either an eternity of nothingness or a state of eternal bliss, heaven or hell or whatever one calls afterlife. Well, that is beyond what we need. We NEED each other. Exponentially.
L = (p-a)R Longevity is equal to the global population of human beings minus those that have a sense of absolute value (resulting in a will to live) multiplied by the ratio of the remaining population that has a will to live rival to those with absolute value.
In other words, our individual life span and length of cellular divisions is not solely dependent upon our individual experience but that of the species as a whole at any given time. Anti-aging and exponential life are merely byproducts of a UNIFIED humanity. This explains why ALL truth movements have focused on unity and coming together. It's a NATURAL REACTION when an individual comes to terms with what they are. A force carrier of the highest consciousness. LOVE.
We are all in this together. We don't need to make our lives better, we need to make the lives of the weakest and most oppressed better. We need to show the controlling few that they are KILLING themselves by oppressing those that need the most help. We NEED everyone together. Literally. We now KNOW this.
For more information, go to
Let's do this.
(In response to somebody claiming "Zero Science" in my post)
Zero science, eh? And what is progressive science? What inspired Einstein to discuss particle physics? Max Planck's variable that established consistent and proportionate electron fields around a proportionate and consistent nucleus consistent of protons and neutrons and effected by a 4th dimension of time. Quantum truth. Right? That was ALL dependent upon somebody taking a "leap of faith" and determining that something existed that was CURRENTLY UNMEASURABLE AND UNOBSERVABLE yet probable based on an individual's ability to deduce reasoning from existent variables of understanding.
I'm sorry for people who think that "we have it all figured out" and are just awaiting our death or destruction. As if it's already happened.
You want to know what REAL science is? REAL science is the progressive manipulation (evolution) of the status quo in such a way that evolutionary boundaries are fulfilled by breaching the common knowledge of the time. Meaning, THROWING AWAY the "truth" that has been established by current institutions of thought and doctrine and reevaluating the boundaries of our existence with a clean slate through conscious integration within the environment. A mental CLARITY gained through enlightenment as to determine the condition of things in the evolutionary ladder.
SCIENCE as most people consider it is an inhibition to evolution. TRUE science is progressive in such a way that only a few people can comprehend it at a time until we COORDINATE with NATURE completely and the boundaries of intellect are removed from what we truly are.
So, when you say that there is "zero science", you are fulfilling your place as an indoctrinated individual that acts solely upon the foundations that have been established for you by other people. You are deeper than that and have more power than you know.
Please save the classroom talk for the corporate funded classrooms. The Zeitgeist Movement was inspired by a deep yearning for truth through Peter Joseph. He educated us with radical truth. To think that we are near the end is foolish. Nature is far ahead of us and always will be until we coordinate with nature.
If we want to change the world we have to become the change first. Then, we can manipulate the environment as to coordinate with the supreme consciousness of the universe...nature. LOVE just happens to be the timeless guide.
(Elaborating on the subject)
Just to elaborate on the science of this all...
youtube video of Dr. Bruce Lipton's cellular membrane lecture.
It's not that there's "zero science", it's that it's void of false science and pushing intellectual belief.
We only remain dormant if we choose to.
(response to another claim of Zero Science)
Dr. Lipton's findings are based upon laboratory experiments. Removal of the nucleus in active muscular cells and measurement of the behavior. Measuring and observing the effects of removing the "control center" of the cell and determining that the cell is completely functional WITHOUT the nucleus...PROVING that DNA is NOT the central information center as we have been FORCED to believe through FALSE and INCOMPLETE "science."
Just another scientist that has run his research thoroughly and completely and taken the intelligence AWAY from a singular system within a biological organism and put the intelligence or "mind" into the WHOLE of the organism. A cumulative mind dependent upon the complete function of the being. A fractal representation of a human and the universe.
That is where the "assumptions" come in. Not the work within that presentation listed above. That is all laboratory experience and empirically proven. VERY scientific.
(another response to claims of inadequate understanding, a request to go back to biology class)
I'm not sure if the point is being followed here. The point is this. Cellular biology has ASSUMED that DNA has a specific function. It has ASSUMED that it is the blueprint for cellular function. In other words, it has ASSUMED that it "codes for proteins and proteins run the cell". Right. That is what has been ASSUMED.
Why do I say ASSUMED? Because there wasn't enough SCIENCE done to determine what caused the DNA to code for the protein. Lipton took the results of the Human Genome project and went about furthering the research. He didn't reach for anything. He went in with an open mind and investigated the precursor to DNA / Protein functionality. He PROVED in a LABORATORY setting that the ENVIRONMENT influences the activity of the DNA through the activity of the Cell membrane in regulating the environmental SIGNAL that is available. SIGNALS can be anything from nutrients to chemicals. When are chemicals present? DURING PERCEPTION. He goes on to show that LOVE has a more DNA REWRITING effect than even nutrition.
Of course people will defend mainstream science because that's ALL THE INFORMATION YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN. You didn't go to science class and have an open curriculum. You were TOLD WHAT WAS REAL and were allowed to EXPERIMENT WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE CONTROLLED INFORMATION.
Did I do muscle stem-cell research? NO. BUT, I have investigated as many science journals and philosophy journals as I can and found that there is an underlying reality to all things. WE ARE CONTROLLED BY THE INTELLIGENT CONSCIOUSNESS OF OUR ENVIRONMENT.
As for needing biological proof, apparently we still do. This is due to humankind's reliability upon empirical evidence for "truth". The problem here is that the human species has a miniscule viewing point for determining what is "empirical."
I recommend some healing therapy for anyone that is completely satisfied and SURE that the scientific method is the most effective way of unifying the human species. Until we recognize that the UNKNOWN always influences the KNOWN for PROGRESSIVE understanding, we will be doomed to the inadequacies of STAGNANT intellect.
I hope TZM can evolve beyond the constraints of the TVP. It is imperative.
(response to some positive reinforcement, as well as video links to other creative scientists)
Thank you all for discussing with me. It is VERY comforting and supportive to see such insight and communication skills.
First, I must address that TZM (Peter's central influence at work) has declared that TZM is the "activist arm of TVP." Therefore, it is bound to the influence of TVP's creator and central mind, Jacque Fresco. In much of Jacque's work, there is a stagnant authority. Although the work proclaims unity, it is utilizing the scientific method as the elite method of determining how to more efficiently run our world. In fact, there have been proclamations of great magnitude within TVP that would make human unification IMPOSSIBLE with the means established within TVP. For example, the non-existence of LOVE. (As stated by Jacque in one of Peter's documentaries) As well, there being no need for artful expression within the proposed living quarters of each individual human. The walls would be mostly blank and would serve a utilitarian purpose. For efficiency.
Let me make something blatantly clear right now. If we (we being the human species or any major movement) proclaim that scientific determinism is MORE IMPORTANT than human expression (they are NOT the same thing) than we might as well forfeit our adaptability right now. Why? Because ALL HUMAN PROGRESSION COMES AT THE HANDS OF AN INDIVIDUAL DISCOVERING THE TRUTH WITHIN HIM / HER SELF AND FORMULATING A MOVEMENT BY UNLOCKING THE BIOLOGICAL / PHYSIOLOGICAL CONNECTION OF TRUTH WITHIN OTHER HUMAN BEINGS AROUND THEM.
NO major progressive movements (adaptive evolutionary movements) have been made at the hands of something we already knew. SCIENCE ONLY has the ability to remanufacture something that we already know. Scientific progress ONLY happens when an individual feels the need to push the boundaries of knowledge by deducing a non-empirical solution and performing new methods to explore their HOPEFUL solution. Science HAS unlocked movements, however, it wasn't the science that did anything. It merely was the method that allowed the communication to occur between the conscious minds of those that needed the unifying concept. Did Einstein reap all of the credit for his contributions? No. How many times did Einstein site "God?" Same with Max Planck, Isaac Newton and many other progressive scientists. They claimed their discoveries were not their own. They were merely participants in a greater reality. Greater consciousness. A Divine Nature. As well, Albert Einstein and Max Planck and others that formulated the first quantum theory (light particles (photon) controlled by energy quanta) could not explore their work without MASSIVE energy consumption and unstable energy creation (E=mc2) so the work was halted. They saw enough of the perfection of nature to conclude that the balance was not in the favor of MORAL science. Too many people would be effected if further research was done. So, here we are today. 1/3rd of the periodic table of elements exists today because of our atomic radioactivity and "quantum field" empirical search. Oil spills have next to nothing on the damage that has been done simply to fuel the research and measurement of energy that ALREADY exists.
So, based on the deepest of modern scientific understanding and philosophical theorizing, science CANNOT unite the human species. It is shrouded in it's inadequacy for uncovering the truth in EVERY facet of it's existence. It is not logical. It merely "works" within a short time frame. It requires the use of biologically inhibitive materials from BELOW the Earth's surface (highly radioactive metals, core based gases, etc) Science puts the control within the hands of those that INTELLECTUALLY understand the formulas and technical hoo-haa that leads to the understanding. More technology will simply overcomplicate things and make human adaptation even more difficult. Technology will "devolve" in the near future. The very internet we are working upon right now will not be necessary once we communicate the TRUTH to all of humankind. Material efficiency will not be necessary once the TRUTH is made aware to those that are living right now. Automative technology will be irrelevant and considered harmful once we communicate and establish the TRUTH as to what we are.
What are we? The most dynamic atomic machine that we have the capacity to comprehend. We are literally a fractal blueprint of the universe. We are a complete with "star stuff" (thank you Carl Sagan) and beyond. Stars are not nearly as dynamic as we are. Our mind consists of the two most powerful forces in the entire universe. Our own consciousness (#2 most powerful, new brain / nervous system) and the consciousness of the universe itself (archaic brain, limbic system, hypothalamus / nervous system). We are 2nd to nature ALL OF THE TIME. That is a perpetual truth. We can see it by the physical interactivity of our conscious and subconscious minds. Our conscious minds function at a rate of 4,000 bps. (bits per second) Our subconscious minds function at a rate of 4,000,000 bits per second. You aren't beating your heart, balancing your leg muscles, breathing, cell dividing, retina contracting, bone healing, artery dilating, etc...your subconscious is. We have an ability to align our conscious mind with our subconscious. I'll leave that to your own personal wisdom within yourself. As well, we are ALL CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER as a complete organism. This can be seen in our inability to outlive our average longevity even through "technological progress." The richest of the rich and most "adaptive" are no more evolutionary than the poorest of the poor. In fact, nature tends to prefer the poor. Once we lift the oppression of the elite over the rest of the species, we will unlock evolutionary life increase. We are not intended to die.
So, technology is nothing more than a stagnant representation of a method (scientific) that CANNOT cultivate the means necessary for unifying the human species upon the TRUTH. Empirical evidence is nothing more than a momentary experience that will not stand the test of time. Just like the Earth being flat, there will ALWAYS be a new "empirical evidence" for progressing the human intellectual understanding. Does this mean that empirical evidence is wrong? No. It means that there will ALWAYS be a precursory truth to the empirical evidence of the time. Why am I ranting right now? Because the energy required for empirical evidence today in the most complex and "advanced" laboratory settings is DEVASTATING to the balance of the human species. Both biologically and psychologically. Again, radioactive elements upon Earth at the hands of "quantum field testing" (as well as atomic energy) and mainstream human reliance and idolization of scientific intellectualism is pulling us further and further from what we are. ALIVE. ADAPTABLE. BIOLOGICAL. PERFECT MACHINES with METAPHYSICAL MINDS.
Please TZM. We will be stronger once we recognize that the 1st part of the Zeitgeist Movie was a declaration of the stupidity of RELIGION...yet it showed the DIVINE consistency of NATURE and the highest consciousness. Religion is the fault here. NOT nature. Not the mystical icons. That is where the consistency lies. In the wisdom of nature as expressed by mystical icons.
(another supportive writing for same topic)
Perhaps a perfect quote that is applicable to the scientific method as salvation is this:
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
Observation and measurement have already shown us the state of our affairs and the ecological impact of our being. We already have the globally interwoven super computer that many of us dream about. The Internet. We already have the global sensory system in place. Human beings.
Essentially, we have EVERYTHING we need for communicating our condition. The ONLY reason many of us hope for technological automation is to free the burden of work. Well, that hope is all based on a maximum life span of 100+ years. I'm telling you that we aren't "pre-programmed" to age and die. ALL human death is artificial. All death is based upon our actuality as a species. What we do to and amongst each other.
What happens when we recognize the INSANITY of claiming a common result (68 years average longevity for human beings GLOBALLY right now) with a completely different method? Well, I'm TELLING YOU that your cellular senescense is controlled by the state of the species at any given time. As well, it is reversible. The more we heal the weakest and most oppressed of our species the longer our life span and healing factor (agelessness) will be.
Life (physical existence) of an individual is equal to the Organism (species of the individual) minus the organism's Versatility (the units within the organism that are handling the adaptability load) multiplied by the organism's Efficiency (the effectiveness for the remaining units of the organism in adapting) This is a theory that I am proposing for ALL THINGS. Material and living. Everything needs LOVE...literally. We know the average life span, the size of the human species, and if we use monetary distribution as an "adaptability filter" we know the species elite and we can then figure out how efficient we are as a species. With this formula, we are functioning approximately at 1/10,000,000th of our capacity. We are near absolute zero.
This means that health of a human being is no longer measured in physical terms. Health is determined by how willing the individual is to LIVE consciously. How willing is the individual to live right NOW in his / her current state of being?
We've been SHOWN that mind controls matter. There is a consciousness behind ALL material things. Matter is vibrating energy fields bound by other energy fields of attraction and relation. E=mc2, relativity, etc...
The most SANE approach of uniting the species is to show each other how essential we are by recognizing that the ONLY time we experience a conscious will to live is during progressive actuality that results in subconscious / conscious alignment. The most powerful force that a human has access to is the chemical sedation of LOVE. The oxytocin, norepinephrin, adrenals and everything else that go along with a divine experience are overpowering. We have these sensations during massive gatherings (concerts, focus groups, gatherings, etc) because we are experiencing the biological chemistry of togetherness. Our subconscious minds overpower our conscious minds and we are lifted to the mental state that we are supposed to be in at all times. Or, some people take drugs as a shortcut to this state and we all know what happens when we rely upon a medium other than ourselves or togetherness for enlightenment.
If LOVE is the truth, as I've shown in the formula above, then LOVE will have the final say in reality as it has never been absent, merely unobservable. LOVE is the precursory energy field to all material existence, including all of us.
It's time to claim our sanity.
(response to somebody posting some "synthetic gene science" to this topic)
The question is this. How much energy and focus has gone into this project when there are perfectly good life cells available within human beings all over the world? At the same time, what will the resource acquisition cost be for a resource such as this? Do we honestly believe that this will be made available to anyone at the "average" level? Also, what are the biological / environmental implications of meddling with nature? The majority of Earth's population is not supplemented by "God complex" science.
I believe I've posted the Howard Zinn quote before on this forum.
"Any humane and reasonable person must conclude that if the ends, however desireable, are uncertain and the means are horrible and certain, these means must not be employed." Howard Zinn
A GREAT analogy would be the Toyota Prius. Great mode of transportation if the vehicle was growing on trees. However, the vehicle uses technology that requires a MASSIVE amount of processing and refinement in the development of both battery cells and electrical infrastructure. All money set aside...does the vehicle really REDUCE overall carbon emissions for the average drivable life-span of a thermodynamic and electromagnetic regulated machine? NO. The development process is shrouded in strategic capitalism and legal jargon as to be able to determine the ecological impact of the technology's development.
Just like our food processing. And our fuel processing. And our transportation processing. And our communications. And the list goes on and on...hence, the reactive state of our enviroment.
The change needs to be made in the minds of the masses.
Junk "God" science will not solve our species' problems.
Simply disgusting.
(another response to the fellow claiming that this "synthetic geneticist" is confirming Lipton's work)
Hmmm...I'm not sure that this confirms Dr. Lipton's work.
This study is suggesting that the cell is at the mercy of the DNA for it's actuality. Dr. Lipton shows that cells are active based upon their interaction with the environmental signals. The signals are confirmed / relayed through the cell membrane (acting as the perceptual "brain" of the cell) and that in turn activates the mechanism within the cell. DNA only comes in when a signal is not present or a reproductive necessity arises.
Therefore, this work is simply inconclusive and is literally PLAYING WITH FIRE. Of course a cell is going to be different if the genetic code is replaced with a synthetic "software" program. As Dr. Lipton has shown, DNA is SUPPLEMENTAL to the functionality of the cell. Therefore, supplementary activity will be reduced to the procedural success of this person's work.
Again, nature is 100% ahead of us at all times. If we think we can reproduce failing organs or biological systems with synthetic replacements, we are sadly mistaken. This new synthetic "DNA" will do nothing more than cause a whole new rash of dynamic disease. Both at the physical level and the emotional level.
If it were proven to lengthen the healthy life of a human being, how fast would the corporations move to control the work? Then, how would nature balance out for your synthetic "cure-all?"
Until we recognize that the starving people of the world and most oppressed are literally effecting us at the cellular level, we will not be able to eliminate the cycle of life and death that we are prone to. Our failure to exist (death) is merely an intellectual MISUNDERSTANDING of what is going on.
We should all hope that the efforts of "God complex" individuals never bear fruit. Nobody has ever lasted with that kind of "power."
Question for Peter re: Art and Science 1 Week, 3 Days ago
Hello Peter and TZM observers / activists,
I have a question for Peter or anyone that would like to discuss it.
Q: Will the Zeitgeist Movement ever recognize the importance of human imagination and creativity as more essential than science itself?
Example: No scientific progression has ever been made at the hands of observation and measurement, rather, the progression was made in the minds of those who creatively deduced the solution before it was manifest in the physical environment. Individually and then accepted and moved upon. (Laws of observation, confirmation bias, etc...this is why CERN will NOT find ANYTHING as long as they are bound by their inadequate views of uncertainty and probability in their input calculations) The old saying, "Wisdom is from within."
I ask this question because ART has been doing what science is just now trying to do (as seen in unprovable (at this time) quantum theory) which is make a metaphysical concept into a physical reality, or better yet, make sense of life. In the mean time, massive amounts of energy are expended simply to operate the machine that dependence on science has built...the conscious material dependence. A LACK of creativity. A focus on "here and now" rather than what COULD be here and now.
I understand that TZM has accepted a title as the "activist arm of TVP" however I fail to recognize that the movement has run out of creativity and has left it's "why" at the foot of a movement that fails to recognize the natural human potential without the dependence upon technological support. As if nature didn't put enough thought into the human species itself.
I see a progressive step in the form of the Zeitgeist Media Project. I just hope that metaphysically motivated (aren't we all?) people are not prone to ridicule for not jumping on the "science will set us free" bandwagon. It appears that we need science to show the inhumanity of science itself as to allow for the evolution of the species. It would have been hard to accept E=mc2 without the atomic bomb.
Perhaps we should trust our imagination and creativity a bit more rather than empirical evidence that is biologically disastrous.
"Any humane and reasonable person must conclude that if the ends, however desireable, are uncertain and the means are horrible and certain, these means must not be employed." Howard Zinn, American Historian / Author
(Response to a LOT of ridicule regarding my position.)
This is fantastic! The purpose of these forums is absolutely grand! We are really discussing now. Intermingling of minds as we are intended to do.
I'll start from the end.
Einstein did not invent the bomb. He proposed an unmeasurable particle of matter based upon previous scientific understanding and his evaluation of the environment of the time. E=mc2 is the formula used to gauge the conversion of energy into matter as to determine the effectiveness (efficiency) of such a conversion. Of course the governments and military dictatorships of the time wished to understand this potential energy method. It is a perfect weapon and is only available if ALL of the scientific effort that preceded and included Einstein had been done. So, Einstein didn't directly play a role, and neither did Sr. Isaac Newton yet Einstein studied newtonian physics (calculus) in determining many of his equations as well as others interpretations of physical truth at the time.
A famous buddhist once said something about seeing the clouds in a sheet of paper, as the clouds make rain that sprout trees and ultimately become paper. It's called a compound materialization (or something like that) like Carl Sagan suggesting that "we are star stuff."
I agree that misinterpretation hurts everyone.
I'll state again that science and ART are not the same thing absolutely, yet they can appear the same to some such as many of TZM / TVP advocates.
Many of us believe that CERN is a GRAND facility that benefits the good of mankind. Sure it gave us the internet. Did it want to? That's debatable. However, we merely need to look at the periodic table of elements to determine what quantum measurement has done for humankind. First, we can look at the amount of fossil fuel generated energy that goes into the operation of the LHC. How many gallons or metric tons of liquid helium go into cooling the machine? Also, how much electricity is utilized to generate the electromagnetism that is essential to simply operate a single experiment of particle collision? As for the periodic table of chemical elements (yes physics plays a role in chemistry...look at the proton / electron configuration of the chart), how many NEW ELEMENTS are observable here on Earth due to extensive mining and quantum measurement in facilities such as CERN? As well, how many of these elements are BENEFICIAL to direct biological contact? NONE. Radioactive substances are created from high energy fields that are supposed to be OUT OF OUR REACH. Or have we forgotten what we are supposed to be doing here? Aren't we supposed to become more efficient and EQUALIZE the human species FIRST before we go about investigating natural laws? What are they looking for anyway? Who in there right mind would literally STARVE people of their individual right to EAT and be sheltered simply to come short (they don't even get CLOSE to moving a particle at light speed) on evaluating an elementary particle that will do NOTHING to help people live as a unified species. Say they came up with the location of a graviton or Higgs boson and could more easily predict the location of an electron field in the generation of matter...fantastic. What new bomb would the scientists design next? I bet it would be quite efficient according to E=mc2. Perhaps they'll discover anti-matter and will be able to eliminate all of the atomic waste that is now destroying the sea that Jacque so passionately wants to live upon. Did you know that in 30-40 years, at the rate we are polluting the oceans today, we WILL NOT BE ABLE TO EAT FROM THEM. The harvestable fish will be extinct or beyond edibility. Please CERN, find antimatter and build a machine that will clean up the world because nature has no ability to heal, only human intellect can satisfy the stupid and chaotic directive of nature, right? WRONG.
Biology today is being rewritten because it has been PROVEN that DNA does NOT direct the cell. It is NOT the brain. What? That's right. Stem cells with their nucleus removed continue to operate as if they never had the nucleus removed minus reproduction. Biological cells are INTELLIGENT in the interaction of their environment. Just like a human being. However, with the DNA intact, the perfection of the cell is complete and reproduction can commence. DNA is a reproductive system. Like our reproductive system. It's the nature of our environment that determines biological actuality. Biological life is intelligently designed. Many people that have walked this Earth could have told us that before we ever needed to isolate stem cells upon a petrie dish and look through a microscope. We should have listened. Instead, we went about our curiosity and biological destruction to satisfy our craving. False Science.
You see, ART / soulful expression (I don't mean to offend you with the word "soul", perhaps I should say "inner voice of wisdom that is directly connected with the natural flow of existence most commonly referred to as the "web of life") is a naturally occurring unifying field with no biological consequences.
Also, there is a difference between curiosity and creativity. Curiosity satisfies the question "Why" while creativity is FUELED by a person that understands "Why."
We seem to like to throw around MLK, Jr, so I'll do it too. MLK junior didn't run around talking about his plan or his deductive reasoning. He talked about his DREAM. He was a social ARTIST. He INSPIRED the equality of humans by equalizing the frequency of the hearts of individuals through complete TRUTH. He didn't need flow charts or physics diagrams. Albert Einstein wouldn't have been as popular today if he hadn't said things like, "I am convinced that he (God) does not throw dice" or, "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in LOVE." Einstein essentially PROVED that there is metaphysical influence to the structure of all things in existence. That we are a sort of frequency within a grander reality. That space time is an illusion available to us. That there is a sort of perfection to everything. As did Newton. Planck. And all kinds of other scientists. Why did Einstein battle so much against Quantum Mechanics in the beginning? Many would say it was because he didn't want to rewrite physics. Well, how about Einstein saw the true Nature of things and understood the complete WISDOM of nature. Many cellular biologists today would agree (see Dr. Bruce Lipton).
If the Zeitgeist Movement wants to become the change that it wants in the world it needs to recognize that people have a heart beyond the integrity of their intellect. 400,000 members is AMAZING. We NEED to do better. FAST. We NEED to equalize the human species. WITHOUT sacrificing human lives in the mean time. A perfect example would be the "Philosophy / Religion" discussion board upon this very forum. It is the most visited, responded to and utilized board on this forum. Why? Because people are not motivated by numbers. They are motivated by inspiring truth. I agree that religion has left us in the grave as much as any other establishment. All have the same reasons. They have misinterpreted what we are. They have fed off of curiosity rather than creativity. They have silenced the rebels and have generated laws for control. Just like science. Physical laws suggesting the stability of a mathematical equation in an unstable reality. An evolutionary backdrop. The only thing that is stable is the manufactured human intellect. Everything else is constantly changing.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)
It's time to WAKE UP again people. The ONLY significance of TZM and TVP is the TRUTH. Everything else is simply details that discourage the focus. ALSO, if anyone truly believes that we NEED technology to perpetuate our lives, you need to look at the material content of your food. Or how about the fact that you utilize a cellular device that has EMF ranges in the MICROWAVE range. Or how about the fact that if you are single, and you are sitting at your computer right now, your opportunity for experiencing LOVE is becoming less and less with every moment. Or how about immunizations? That's technology, right? Oh yeah, microorganisms that can be considered disease are ALWAYS ADAPTING and CHANGING. They CANNOT be immunized against. FALSE SCIENCE. And how about Cesarean Section child delivery? Fast and efficient right? Doctor recommended, right? Automatic C-sections for ALL mothers over the age of 41 in most U.S. states. Well, an authentic midwife at home will deliver a child from a mother over the age of 41 who has already had a C-section. Why can't a doctor? Because mainstream SCIENCE suggests that the doctor be in control of a NATURAL process.
We need to continue an OPEN MINDED evaluation of our predicament. Wisdom comes from how you FEEL about a situation, not how you THINK about it.
I could go on and on. Please somebody just admit that we need to join forces with ALL truth movements regardless of their affiliation? Like, TODAY!?!
(Response to somebody getting the point...however, claiming a balance of feeling and thinking)
I couldn't agree more grovestreet. If you look at my work at you will see that I've actually formalized what you are talking about. There is a duality here. It's a "Physical" and a "meta-physical" duality. On one hand, we have reductionist wisdom such as our knowledge that our being is dependent upon nutrients as we are complex assemblies of essential nutrients. This wisdom is empirical. Excellent. On the other hand, we have deductible wisdom that must be assumed and is non empirical. This is philosophical. Also excellent.
Now, if a human being decides to forego the physical wisdom and not eat and rely solely upon "God" or whatever, this human being foregoes his / her reality and succumbs to death. They fail.
The same thing happens to those who become completely empirical. Although this person may eat properly and think they know what's going on, they are incapable of seeing the holistic reality as they are dependent upon intellectual interpretations of life and forego their own capacity. They rationalize death because that's all they see.
Regardless of the balance, if a human being removes themselves from this balance they become less capable of experiencing a conscious and timeless will to live.
Unless they rely upon something that can keep them centered and grounded. Something that is within all things and cannot be moved. A universal philosophy or concept.
Well, there is only one universal concept that has stood the test of time and has remained constant where technology and intellect has failed. LOVE.
Now, many people will instantly chastise a person for claiming that "all we need is love." I suggest we look at the sources that have made that proclamation or claimed that it's the highest power.
Martin Luther King, Jr. John Lennon. Mohandas Gandhi. Jimi Hendrix. Robert Plant. Bob Marley. Albert Einstein. The concept of Jesus and all other mystical figures.
The major consistency lies not only in the message, but the results of the message. Unity. People are naturally attracted to the unified concept of LOVE. Togetherness. Unity.
So, as we discuss how we can make more efficient robot lungs or space ships for deserting this planet we are essentially disregarding the perfection of our natural habitat. Earth is completely healable. As are we.
When the human species unites there will be a holistic consequence of which we've never seen. Evolution is not merely a thing that happens as a competitive struggle for survival. Evolution is more dynamically an organism's necessity to alter itself in order to more efficiently adapt together with it's environment. It just turns out that our technology is not good enough to adapt with us. It remains constant where our environment does not. Why else does EVERY material that comes from below the surface of the Earth eventually biodegrade? Why can't it stand up to oxidation or solar radiation? If technology was the answer to human potential then how come the Western elite that run our societies are not living far longer than the most unsophisticated Tibetan Monk?
We only NEED technology to recognize empirically that our technological curiosity is more destructive than it is beneficial. It doesn't satisfy our perpetual needs nearly as efficiently as our nature that is a result of our universe. We can see this simply by looking at the periodic table of elements or at the rapid rise in affluent diseases such as cancer. The more we become reliant upon EMF transmitting devices and genetically modified foods the more we become destroyed by our own inadequate recognition of our nature. That is because we CANNOT SEE NATURE if we shroud it in limited thinking. We cannot FEEL.
This is why the work of cellular biologists such as Antoine Bechamp (early 1900's) and Dr. Bruce Lipton are so important. Like Einstein, they have taken science to the next level of empirical evidence just to show that we need to STOP MEDDLING WITH NATURE and THINKING we know what is BEST.
All science that has been allowed to run it's course has shown the intelligence of our interactive environment. I am just curious why something like "string theory" can be so easily accepted in science forums when it's as far away from empirical truth as any metaphysical or philosophical theory. Oh yes, it's because string theory represents extremely intimate influence without taking the "leap of faith" that interconnectedness requires. It is nearly a unifying theory. However, it is incomplete because it does not satisfy the human need for togetherness. Until it does, it will remain nothing at all.
mon Philosophy (context)
LOVE < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-23 10:21:22
ALL things are in LOVE at ALL times. All things are dictated by the same fundamental interactions and reality. All perspectives within said reality are governed by the same things as all things.
Human LOVE is the frequency within the fractal reality of existence where a human being can experience a conscious alignment with the nature of things. Call it God, Nature, Goddess, Mother Nature, Universal Consciousness or whatever you want.
The point is this. There is a timeless (eternal and unchanging) mechanical force to the sequential (developing) progressive reality that we all experience and are a part of. That force is LOVE.
Human beings are proportional fractals of the universe. Everything that happens in the cosmos (neutron stars, gamma radiation, celestial relativity, dark matter, gravity, whatever) happens within you and I. The same goes for our cells. The same goes for the molecules. As well as the Quantum action of elementary energy field. They (we, all of us) are governed by a MORAL universal consciousness. A consequential actuality. The moral code is LOVE. It is timeless and the precursor of ALL things. IT is GOD.
A human in LOVE will make the mountains tremble. It will unite the human species to finally act as the holistic organism that we already are.
I like to think...what would MLK, Jr do with the Internet? What would Einstein do? What would Gandhi do? What would Newton do? What would Planck do? And the BIG one...what would Jesus do?
Well, I'd like to STATE that none of these people have ever left. Whether you believe they are floating in the subconscious realm or living through their material representation (work turned into information) the fact stands that we have ALL the information to finally SHOW that LOVE is the highest commanding power of all things.
We can think what we feel. That is called being in LOVE. The highest LOVE comes within a person. The object can be anything we want it to be. I just so happen to love everything within the Universe. It has been GIVEN to me with a purpose. me something that doesn't make sense and I'll bet we can make sense of it quite fast.
mon Philosophy (context)
Marc, < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-23 09:02:42
many of us are listening to you. Many of us agree. You are NOT invisible. You are ESSENTIAL.
The universe does not accept those that tread upon others. Regardless of the "good book" they wave around. Actions speak MUCH louder than words, and words MUCH louder than thoughts. At least at this point in our reality.
Until we can communicate consciously as our subconscious already does (biosphere, interwoven biological organisms, universal mind, etc) we NEED your input and expression.
Anyone that claims otherwise is simply afraid of your power. They are inadequate in themselves and don't understand what any of this is.
You are a beautifully PERFECT individual...within a beautifully PERFECT reality...keep up the beautiful expression.
Without opinions we would have a bleak comprehension of the world as we know it. Empirical nothingness.
LOVE is the mechanical force behind ALL mind over all matter.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Where in Nature: < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-22 20:52:17
Does 1 + 1 = 2?
I'll bet we can't find that answer without looking through a quantum field generator!!! :)
What does it take to generate an energy field for quantum observation? LOTS OF BIOLOGICAL DISASTROUS RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS!
What happens when we mine radioactive fossil material from places that are not observable in our ideal living environment? WE ALTER THE BALANCE OF OUR ENVIRONMENT FROM THAT OF "GROWING" TO THAT OF "PROTECTION". It's not so much that we add particulate matter to the air, it's that we upset the perfect balance of natural biodegrading materials. We all know what crude oil is made of right? Decayed biological matter. Ex-Life. Well, we've been pulling this natural "lube" from within the Earth's crust for quite some time. As well as helium (used to cool the LHC at CERN) and uranium and all sorts of other unstable (short half-lives) elements! YAY!
What's the point of this rant? To question the morals of 1+1=2.
Why do we need to know that again? Why do we need PROOF of anything? Why ask why? Instead of asking "why" things happen, perhaps we should as "why" we need to ask "why?"
mfr Philosophy (context) / randomness < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-22 20:41:44
It appears to be no coincidence that "education" would lead to a belief in "random events." Many people that made a difference in a progressive way worked within the confines of absolute reason.
The paradox of your statement is that "everything becomes what you believe it to be" yet you state that some things are significant and others random. How could that be if all things become what I believe them to be? Well, reality is quite reasonable and I didn't learn that from an instituted education system.
On the contrary, it took a lot of time and effort to eliminate the influence of my indoctrinated beliefs that were forced upon me by shallow minds and "educated" individuals. It's not their fault. They simply don't know what they are doing.
I am a father, husband, musician, writer, mechanic and LOVER. I cannot see any reason to buy into your belief that ANY moment or phenomenon that occurs in ANY reality is of no purpose. I have taken note of my 50-70 trillion cells, the electromagnetic / strong and weak force / gravitational interactivity of my being as well as my place in this perfectly / morally balanced universe. It isn't me that needs education Ms. Princess. I've had all the classroom discussion I need.
There comes a point when we can stop asking "why". I know "why". I have found my path and it is VERY clear what I must do.
This is all a part of it! Welcome to my path! :)
mfr Philosophy (context)
All things matter < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-22 20:25:24
I would have to say that our little exercise has proven QUITE a point.
We have work to do. Since I am theorizing that our lives are dependent on the quality of the entire species as a whole, and that LOVE is the mechanism behind all of reality, I'd sure hope that there is work to do.
I don't see anyone getting any younger. Give me a few years and then we'll rerun our exercise here and see where LOVE stands. I believe it's about to get MUCH more popular.
LOVE IS MECHANICAL and PRECURSORY to ALL THINGS. Our reality is governed by morals and we are a fractal perspective within a fractal reality.
mfr Philosophy (context)
I would agree... < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-22 20:18:17
if I didn't believe my life depended on LOVE.
LOVE is the equalizing frequency of all existence. It is what provides stability to the sub-quantum field and is the unifying force of all reality.
ALL human beings function on LOVE. Everything we do is because of it. ESPECIALLY when we think we're doing something we shouldn't. Or even when we're convinced that we're doing something necessary while hurting others. Example, people's LOVE of material possessions provides instant suffering for others. This serves as an example for those that are aware of the TRUE WEALTH of reality (consciousness / wisdom) for submerging themselves in LOVE.
If we wanted to be INSANE and accept the "fate" that so many of us accept without experience, we could claim that LOVE is just a powerful emotion that is generally unavailable.
OR, we can realize that the Universe is merely a representation of ourselves and all things are consciously regulated. Consistently. Mechanically. Through LOVE
mfr Philosophy (context)
Act for yourself, and you will < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-22 09:15:56
act for others. This is a "bump" of an idea we were discussing yesterday. It deserves "front page" attention.
We were discussing "Tea Party" gov't philosophy. I have been told that I am "missing the point." I'll restate...I've BEEN THERE. The point is that when we rely upon OTHERS to establish boundaries for ourselves, regardless of the specifics, we place immediate control into the hands of OTHERS.
Howard Zinn had a BRILLIANT book called "The People's History of the United States". In it, he brought forth a different (alternative) perspective of the history of this country. The book is told through the eyes and writings of the PEOPLE during many of our historical movements and uprisings. This book is NOT endorsed by any gov't.
There is a section in there about a group of unemployed (Pennsylvania) coal miners in the mid 1930's. This was in the midst of the Great Depression when "private property" was a focus more than anything else for it was the limitation for some people's simple survival. These miners "bootlegged" 5 million tons of coal from commercial mines on PRIVATE PROPERTY (not their own) and sold it below commercial rate. Zinn's book quotes Paul Mattick's comments:
"All that is really necessary for the workers to do in order to end their miseries is to perform such simple things as to take from where there is, without regard to established property principles or social philosophies, and to start to produce for themselves. Done on a broad social scale, it will lead to lasting results; on a local, isolated plane it will be...defeated...The bootleg miners have shown in a rather clear and impressive way, that the so-much bewailed absence of a socialist ideology on the part of the workers really does not prevent workers from acting quite anticapitalistically, quite in accordance with their own needs. Breaking through the confines of private property in order to live up to their own necessities, the miners' action is, at the same time a manifestation of the most important part of class consciousness-namely, that the problems of the workers can be solved only by themselves."
So, when we endorse a system that promotes the CAPITALIST mentality of PRIVATE PROPERTY and other inhumane things, we limit ourselves from seeing what we ARE. Inherently connected.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Rule of law < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-21 15:48:16
We are at fault for BELIEVING in the POWER that the gov't claims to have. We are at fault for BELIEVING in the POWER of money. It's OUR FAULT.
AND, it will be up to US to recognize the inhumanity of forced consumption. Is it any coincidence that AFFLUENT DISEASE now tops the list of human killers in the world? CANCER.
The more we consume, worry about how we're going to get paid, disregard the food labels that MANY people worked VERY HARD to establish and all the other good stuff for individual AWARENESS of SELF, the more we will be incapable of assuming our position as conscious and sovereign beings.
If we want to take power from the state, stop watching TV, listening to politicians and shopping at Wal Mart. Simplify your lives, network with your local community and start over with your own individual DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.
Why limit ourselves to government of ANY kind if we already know that government is hurting us? I don't remember the last time ANYTHING was abolished through continued support.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Manufacturing consent < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-21 15:40:33
Where in the constitution does the corporate lobbying and elitist agenda come into reference?
The point is this...if we squabble over governmental "powers" we might let our lives slip right through our fingers.
By the way, nuclear fission is used in both the development of energy and arms. Anything with nuclear fission has dramatic biological consequences. (ie, nuclear waste in the oceans, nuclear power plant destabilization, etc)
As one of the most consumption based economies in the world, the U.S. has an abundance of readily available resources that could go to help the humanitarian efforts across the globe. Most of us understand that our foreign policy is designed to protect U.S. lifestyles more than anything. The funny thing is that U.S. lifestyles are not free at all. The average U.S. citizen works for somebody else and eats food that is preserved with neurological inhibiting preservatives.
It is a game of simple math to show that a military restriction and infrastructure focus would reestablish the function of the U.S. BUT, is reestablishing the U.S. merely a band-aid on the wound of global oppression?
Philosophy is all encompassing.
All moments of existence are PROFOUND times unique in how things happen yet consistent in WHY they are happening.
Conservation of instituted methods that have already been proven to FAIL (ie, a nation that started with a constitution and EVOLVED WITH THE CONSTITUTION) is hardly revolutionary. That sounds more like the definition of INSANITY.
Let the philosophical debate resume!!!
sfo Philosophy (context)
Truth and consequences < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 22:25:52
It seems that the consequences of deceit and intellectual prophecy (predicting the reactions of others before making a decision) are all around us. Look at the design of our societies and the tendency of our consumer cycles.
If a poll was given to ALL humans asking this simple question, I'll bet we could predict the answer.
"Would you be willing to live forever in the current condition / situation that you are in?"
The problem lies in that we have become so comprehensible and "sheepish" because of our inability to recognize our accountability for being dishonest to ourselves. Perhaps it's due to a lack of information...perhaps it's due to a temporal craving and immediate satisfaction because we BELIEVE that we are only supposed to live a short life within a "struggling" environment.
It's our own beliefs that hold us back from being what we already are. The universe is consciousness working through actuality and without YOU...there would be no ME. THAT is how important and powerful and accountable you are.
hou Philosophy (context)
Belief is the precursor... < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 11:40:29
to ALL actuality. Every one of us REACTS to an environmental influence (signal) from WITHIN or OUTSIDE of ourselves. We then BELIEVE (based on our experience up to the moment) that we will act in a way as to fit the situation at hand.
Sometimes, we let our subconscious mind run the show. Like driving a car in heavy traffic and having a deep conversation at the same time. We are talking...not driving...hence collisions.
But, ultimately, it's all a PERFECT design. ALL OF IT. Never fails.
nyc Philosophy (context)
You are equal to Bill Gates < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 11:34:38
7eoipso8, the only limitations for experiencing personal power are those that we BELIEVE to be true about ourself. Mr. Gates, Bono, Jimi Hendrix, MLK, Jr, Einstein, Gandhi and ANYONE else that FOUND THEMSELVES and made a monumental impact on REALITY simply did that...they FOUND THEMSELVES.
And I'm TELLING YOU...this is all VERY important as are YOU and ANYONE ELSE that is breathing right now. It is our "intellect" that tells us that life is not logical. Not our subconscious mind. It's our NEW brain. It is no coincidence that we are breathing more carbon than we ever have and are more reliant upon our INTELLECT than ever before. In mainstream thinking, God is but a TINY FRACTION of reality...but when you go VERY deep into the highest science and the deepest philosophy that is BARELY visible today, you find that GOD is right there staring at the scientist / philosopher in the face as well as from within the scientist and philosopher.
It's not that I have a complex about reality. It's that I've given up any mundane purpose and realized that we have a DIVINE purpose that has always existed.
I'm sorry that you have convinced yourself that you can't make any serious dents in the world. Perhaps you should consider that the LHC at CERN is simply trying to find an elemental energy force or particle that is already existent here on Earth. It's inside you...and you didn't have to use any of the scientific jargon that CERN has to use to formulate a shortcoming experiment. NATURE already has selected you as a carrier of the entire UNIVERSE...all within yourself.
You are more powerful than you know. Right now, by thinking the way you do, you are altering the conscious state of the human species as well as the biological life around you. The same goes for ALL other human beings.
By maintaining a focus on your "inadequacy" and "insignificance" you are forcing yourself to contradict the powerful SURVIVAL life force inside of you located in the limbic system of your own body. Don't believe me? Have a buddy hold your head under water for a minute...or as long as it takes for you to fight him / her off. I GUARANTEE that you will win. A single person in a conscious state cannot override the strength of a single person in an unconscious state. (ie, natural birth, fight or flight, etc)
dab Philosophy (context)
Information < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 09:56:58
MANY peace movements or truth movements have happened in the past. What is the most significant difference between then and now? We have a PILE of communication and diagnosis technology available now for generating massive awareness by promoting the proper information. However, those that control the media will have to be considered and redirected for peaceful intentions. The only way to do this is from grass roots activism and through uniting the souls of observers. (if you don't like the word soul, we can use "subconscious biochemical experience resulting in a deep sensation of righteousness" or something like that)
It sure is awesome when somebody is expressing their feelings and somebody else steps in and says, "That's not effective." We tend to express our own insecurities upon others.
Keep up the good work Tito.
hou Philosophy (context)
Belief < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 09:51:26
Careful...beliefs can alter the state of your cellular memory, making it more difficult to gain a sensation of subconsious feeling...intellect standing in the way of feeling.
Maybe this will help.
There only is God.
God is universal consciousness that dictates all things, not "he" nor "she"...that's for our individual "personal" representation of said God.
Salvation is an Earthbound human experience...available to those who surrender completely and recognize what we are as explained by MANY mystical icons...maybe none of us will be saved, maybe all of's not our choice individually, it's ALL of our choice as a holistic consciousness.
Yes, penance is ignorant, reality is eternally forgiving.
Grace is all around us, it is God's is LOVE.
Thank you for sharing your feelings. That's how we can find our center.
nyc Philosophy (context)
"Free" market < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-20 09:07:36
There is no such thing as a "Free Market". When you join capitalism to the phrase you automatically allow for monopolizing and manufacturing of consent. No amount of good parenting can overpower the effects of billion dollar advertising / production monopolies. Like a famous saying said, "there is no such thing as bad media." Sub-conscious conditioning at it's best.
When the country was established there was no capacity for immediate global unification. Sure there were royal families that had their hands throughout the globe, but today, a "free market" is nothing more than a term that shrouds the reality of what is going on. Special interests controlling the consent of the public through media production across the globe. A great example is put forth in the film "Network."
Your desire to spend your money where you want to, be left alone and have a "safe" home is simply a PRODUCT of people that are much more powerful than you. Your desire to return to a document that was designed by WEALTHY WHITE people that were scared to hell of things different than them is a perfect example of how manufactured your ideology is.
The more you fight to devolve what is in place the more you are perpetuating the system of control. The system will simply change it's name and continue doing what it has been designed to do. Control you and what is available to all.
Meanwhile, there are people in other countries that are living 30 years so that we can have oil for our cars and missile factories on our shores. Our whining for our "rights" are making us forget something that is DEEP inside of us. That we are ALL A PART OF THE SAME FUNCTIONING ORGANISM. You need those people that are being bombed and oppressed. Every time you allow an Afghan innocent child to die at the hands of an American made weapon, you are DYING a little. You are reaching your own grave.
Believe what you want to. Some of us value life more than bullshit laws that don't apply to us anyway. Let the corporations play their game and learn to sustain yourself. You don't need a government to be a human being. Unfortunately, some people on this planet NEED US so they can simply eat and breath. Wage PEACE, not war.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Absolute truth < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-19 07:50:02
This is where the final surrendering comes in. We are extremely powerful.
Not long ago, I was at the point of isolating my own consciousness (and that of other human beings) as the supreme energy force in all of the universe simply because we appeared to have the power to grow or destroy ourselves through our actuality while disregarding all symbols of self destruction. Well, I was also incapable of making sense of all things. There were still unanswered questions all around me. Such as, why would people suffer? Why do accidents happen? Why would I be here? Why, Why why? Well, then I decided to learn about nature from the eyes of an authentic midwife.
I read Dr. Michel Odent, studied Antoine Bechamp, Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr, Howard Zinn, Dr. Bruce Lipton and many others that are proclaiming INDIVIDUAL power and 100% adaptability while unifying the human species. Through a consistent message. LOVE.
Earlier in my life, I studied the major religions and philosophy. They all have the same underlying tone. Superdeterminism.
So, one night about 3 months ago, I "surrendered" my own power to that of a superdeterminist reality (all things are superdetermined by a higher consciousness) and suddenly EVERYTHING made sense. Suffering, accidents, me, us and everything. It ALL made sense as completely reasonable. Everything is interconnected for 1 purpose. Our plane of perspective (the human consciousness) is being influenced by the highest consciousness in such a way as to HEAL us individually, and then work THROUGH us to HEAL the rest of the species as to UNIFY the species in order to unlock the unified human consciousness that we already are dependent upon, yet have not focused. Like an individual that talks on a cell phone while driving and putting on eye-liner, that is the state of the human species. We are functioning at approximately 1/10,000,000th of our potential as a species and that is limiting us individually to the same actuality.
So, absolute truth is the human frequency of interacting with the highest consciousness (ie, God, Nature, what have you). We can give the frequency a name if we want to. It just so happens that all major progressive movements have used the same name. LOVE. Go to to see it in action.
nyc Philosophy (context)
"change" < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-18 18:40:50
What I actually work towards is a system that feeds and shelters all human beings upon the planet and allows for the evolution of the mind within all human beings for the good of all of us. I believe we are connected and dependent to and amongst ourselves.
Again, allowing a person to express him / herself is not dangerous. It's essential. The wisdom of the universe is within us, just as it is around us. A societal design that does not allow wisdom to flow (individual expression) through it's poor food quality (neuro transmission interruption), oppressive time constraints (work for someone else's dream or control), perpetual empire building (killing of people for profit) and other detrimental objectives is LITERALLY DISASTROUS TO OURSELVES. So, I work towards a unified human race. For completely selfish reasons. I believe we are all connected and we need the health of the species in order to experience true health within ourselves. We need to feel LOVE to spread LOVE in order to experience LOVE's potential.
Or, we can claim that all mystical icons and truth movements of the past were delusional and mislead. I don't think so. The TRUTH is forever constant and accessible by the human being.
Yes, Chomsky is wealthy. That is why he is aging, dying and incapable of recognizing just how important / essential his own life is. He didn't give it all up...he only gave up what he "thought" was good enough. Not a judgement, a rational observation. When I "make it" I will be focusing all of the resources on the most oppressed areas of the globe to eliminate harmful obligations (ie factories in primitive regions) and restore healthy life practices. I won't keep a dime for myself. The wealth of reality is CONSCIOUSNESS and WISDOM. Not material acquisition and hoarding. But, he's perfect for me and so are all of you. Just keep coming together!!!
mfr Philosophy (context)
All things progress, it's < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-18 18:28:44
only an individual human that has a capacity to believe they are not. There is a balance to all things. All things are PERFECT for those that are capable of recognizing the TRUTH. Progression is an act of TRUTH and the most elemental nature of things. It's the flow of existence. Only intellect can rationalize the illusion of a sedentary life. That is why we experience cyclical life, reproduction and death. When we realize and recognize and act upon WHAT WE ARE individually (a part of a singular organism and mirror reflection of the condition of the entire species) we will recognize the continual evolution of all things and join in the evolution consciously. Our sub-conscious is already evolving, and that's why people are becoming "fed up" with their mundane lifestyles and seek to balance out through sedatives like sugar filled foods or television entertainment. The TRUTH is literally forever and unchanging. It's our INTELLECTUAL PERCEPTION and limited interpretation that cannot see this truth.
The TRUTH is this: Existence is a fractal reality. Like a painter that paints himself painting a picture of himself painting a picture of himself painting a picture of himself exponentially. The human experience is a FREQUENCY or singular location upon this fractal universe (a layer of the painter painting himself painting himself) and when we gaze upon the other painters painting themselves, we see different frequencies of the same thing, yet they appear different because of the frequency of their time and space. So, we are bound within a more powerful consciousness than us, yet, as we "paint our own picture" we are literally altering the entire landscape / environment as our consciousness is a part of the landscape / environment as we are all a part of the same thing. But, we are far from recognizing this and accepting is as the TRUTH because we are still killing each other and poisoning our own biological selves in the pursuit of "truth." (ie, LHC at CERN...)
So, the TRUTH is not a matter of what you THINK truth is. It's the DEEPEST reality that is within ALL things. It just so happens that LOVE is the balance of the human frequency for natural alignment with the TRUTH of all things.
Humanity progresses whether we think we do or not. We can FEEL that truth.
mfr Philosophy (context)
reply to comments < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-18 14:54:45
1) Based upon the actuality of the species, we are intellectually dependent. Naturally. Why? Because we have very powerful intellects and are polluting our environment with the most efficient neocortex stimulant / building block known to us. Carbon.
2) Again, our actuality (what we do to ourselves and each other) as an average whole (resulting in 68 year life spans and 100% death) relies upon the intellectual interpretation of the mechanical nature of things. We actually are dependent upon unobservable phenomenon (God, Mother Nature, Universal consciousness, what have you) yet we don't "fear" that reality because we as a species are dependent upon empirical interaction. There is a very miniscule % of the human species that acts upon the truth and has no doubt.
3) There HAS been a transcendent AND absolute truth. ALL physical elements of the universe have always been present in the universe from the human perspective. It is our exposure (time) that allows us to uncover things that already exist (science). It is our hearts (limbic system) that allow us to gain access to the wisdom (universal consciousness) that dictates all events. We have been duped by our own intellect and our subconscious has simply been creating doubt within us to guide us back to what we are.
4) Dualism is absolutely attainable. It is the submersion in LOVE where we align with physics / metaphysics.
5) Yes. Like Gandhi said and we have stated here.
nyc Philosophy (context)
Chomsky < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-18 13:12:40 +5
All people should be allowed to speak. If an establishment is afraid of an individual perspective then it is easy to determine that the establishment is hiding something or working beyond the truth. Chomsky was one of the first to establish the ownership and control of the media. He showed us in "Manufacturing Consent" that the major media corporations are merely tools of the elite to "manufacture the consent" of the general public in developed nations for perpetuating the control structure of the time.
A man who has dedicated his life to uncovering the truth for the good of mankind (all truth is good and draws us from insanity) MUST be allowed to speak.
If you disagree than you are simply uninformed or ignorant and unwillingly accept insanity as a method of proper actuality. You probably BELIEVE that DNA controls a cell, GERMS are to be guarded against and cause disease, the LHC at CERN is an efficient method of understanding the nature of things and you are an individual cosmic anomaly with no purpose or significance in the universe. A speck of nothingness. In other words, you are insane. (Insane: Repeating the same action and expecting different results)
mfr Philosophy (context)
Insane / sane < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-13 20:55:34
It's time that we realize ALL perspectives are SANE. Everyone is a product of their environment. A person that continues to eat at McDonalds when they have been shown that a McDonalds diet CANNOT sustain life is NOT INSANE. They have a deeper dependency that is existent because of their environment.
So, it's up to those that recognize this to establish a revolt against the problem. In this case, it's those that are acting as the "controllers" of our societies. Those that are willing to throw human lives away in the name of control.
Just so you know, we need ALL people at ALL times. The species is a singular organism and our capacities are limited to the capacity of the species as a whole.
So, we need to stop pointing fingers and recognize that those who point fingers are merely projecting their own misunderstanding and we need to help establish an environment that perpetuates health rather than disease.
This is why we have problem solving capabilities right now as human beings. We are supposed to HEAL each other naturally as to extend our own capacity to live, also naturally.
nyc Philosophy (context)
Reality < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-13 15:55:30
It seems that all of your desires are available to you now. You just have to learn to simplify your life and then make decisions based upon your established line of thinking.
I wouldn't want those limitations on myself.
If you understand law to it's full capacity, you will see that the majority of "social obligations" that you are against (taxes, medicare, etc) are against you as a CORPORATION. Hence, all of your gov't forms having your name in CAPITAL letters.
The U.S. gave you up in the 1930's as collateral against debt to other nations when the USA filed bankruptcy to the global currency system of exchange under Maritime Law. They gave us all up. Anyone who received a birth certificate or SS card is listed by name in CAPITAL letters. Our corporate selves are most likely Chinese property.
So, you can defend yourself by proclaiming that you represent the "natural person" of yourself (name spelled with Caps AND lower case letters) and laws apply to the corporate NAME...not you. If you've ever started a corporation (I have one called PCTE Corp dba you CREATE A PERSON recognizable by the government and it's affiliates for global trade purposes (and somehow tax purposes and other "social programs."
It's old law that is non substantial now with the Internet and free-ish education.
"Kymatica" by Ben Stewart (film) goes through this quite well.
It's not common knowledge because common knowledge is MANUFACTURED to build CONSENT of the public for the illegal and immoral actions of the global corporate / capitalist system.
NATURAL law is protected as "endowed by our creator"...the government is NOT our creator. This can hold up in a court room as it has in the past.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Mental disorder < TruthFest2012 >
2010-05-13 12:43:36
I AGREE with you Turak. I have a mental disorder. It's called CRAZY.
Here's a poem for you.
Here's to the crazy ones
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them,
disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine. They heal.
They explore. They create. They inspire.
They push the human race forward.
Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?
We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones,
we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think
they can change the world, are the ones who do
You see Turak, we all NEED to be crazy. That's the point. Common knowledge as endorsed by the status quo leaves us in a dormant and incapable state, just like SCIENCE. You want to know why particle physicists aren't capable of being efficient? They are UNWILLING TO REWRITE PHYSICS.
The universe evolves. As long as equations are based upon elemental physics from the past, they will continue to be short in their predictions and calculations.
Why? Because energy never leaves, it merely changes form...ALSO...we are perpetually bombarded with new material as the universe is a continuously changing and compounding system. Earth's mass has changed, as has the Sun's and as has the Moon's.
I am not a God. I am a segment of the universal consciousness, just as you are and so is every other human on Earth. I have a limited capacity for creating within myself and a direct connection with the universal truth. Just as you and all other humans do.
Happy day Turak!!! I hope you start feeling better.
Philosophy... < TruthFest2012 > 05/25 14:20:03
Perhaps we could all use a little "kick in the pants" as to our responsibility to ourselves and others.
"If democracy were to be given any meaning, if it were to go beyond the limits of capitalism and nationalism, this would not come-if history were any guide-from the top. It would come through citizens' movements, educating, organizing, agitating, striking, boycotting, demonstrating, threatening those in power with disruption of the stability they needed." Howard Zinn in "A People's History of the United States." (p. 674, final paragraph)
As we sit around and contemplate our perspective upon our plane, there is a universal machine at work. Of which we are a part of. We can choose to claim that we have no power and any impact we make is futile. OR, we can claim the sovereign power of our individuality amongst a reality of equality (all things are balanced) and promote what "could be" if we all helped each other.
A few good questions may be these. "Why do progressive movements attract people in the first place? Why do we even CARE if somebody else has the ability to eat? What reason do we have for considering our place in time and space if we are merely part of a game, or even worse, part of a cosmological nothingness?"
Perhaps the truth of ALL philosophy and science is pointing in the same direction and always has.
Whatever your truth may be, perhaps we should begin considering that the only reason progressive movements in the past didn't eliminate oppressive dictatorship in every form was due to the inability to communicate globally immediately. Well, now we can. What would MLK, Jr do with the Internet? I'll bet he'd be in Africa right now saving some serious genocide from happening. I'll bet Albert Einstein would have mathematically described a unified theory of everything and it would have predictable MORAL values for the first time in the history of mathematics. Shortly after, he'd probably address the fact that the true functionality of the universe is not based upon mathematics, but the very MORAL values that are within each of us.
We should look at what is going on and what has gone on just so we can finally put an end to the insane cycle of accepting death as absolute. We've already shown that taxes aren't absolute.
Very good < TruthFest2012 > 05/25 23:59:49
Thank you for sharing with us.
I hope you include "moral values" in your unified equation. I hope to see the rest to see if you go so far as to attempt a unified theory of all things.
Remember, human beings function on a morally objective plane and we are a frequency within the universe. Therefore, our functionality must be represented within a unified theory of everything.
Are uncertainty and probability variables enough to mathematically formulate a predictive equation for explaining all phenomena? I believe that they are inadequate.
The only unifying theory that can be considered to date would have to be that of Superdeterminism. To accept that we would have to forfeit our ability to make choice. Einstein stated that we should not have to make a choice. Perhaps he meant that we don't have ability to make a choice. Choice is an illusion just like time. I would like to see a formula that incorporates a variable that expels choice. Perhaps that would unify the universe within a single formula.
(wait, I've already proposed a superdeterminist unifying's called:
L=(O-V)E It's a mathematical representation of all material existence complete with "choice eliminating" variables, human actuality explained as well as the prediction of material longevity (energy consistency) of spacetime)
Sorry it's not a long equation and doesn't appeal to educated physicists. Perhaps that's why it might actually work.
I argue < TruthFest2012 > 05/28 08:52:39
that there is an underlying tone to all things. That of which will establish a new formal set of principles for understanding. That of which will be praised as the "truth" and will attract people in a unified effort. That of which will unlock holistic effects upon humanity. Generally speaking.
Whoops. That sounds quite religious.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Albert Einstein
I'd like to argue that ALL perspectives, no matter how popular, are RELIGIOUS. Mathematics, sociology, psychology, cosmology and ANY unifying scientific foundation is a RELIGIOUS practice. It requires FAITH into a set of principles that have been ESTABLISHED BY OTHERS and PREACHED by others and ultimately BELIEVED to be true by the observers.
Philosophy is an all encompassing search for the TRUTH.
It just so happens that the highest of science today is functioning at a level FAR beyond the reach of common man. You need a PhD in mathematics to begin to comprehend a simple variable in a wave / particle function. As well, you are required to submit to the protocol of the scientific institutions in order to practice the reduced "knowledge" of the institution you promote. There is as much freedom in a practical application of "learned" science as there is as a Deacon in a Catholic church.
When the human species isolates itself to a set of laws that are NOT available for perception to the average individual, this in turn creates a reliance upon BELIEF for the individual to function. The individual MUST believe in the information he or she is given. This is how we establish human hierarchy. Disconnection. Kings and peasants.
Science isn't proving anything at all, except how fast we can consume energy and resources in the name of satisfying curiosity. Well, some of us already know "why." Unfortunately, many others will not listen because they have BELIEF in the system of credentials that the economic professionals have FORCED upon you.
My premise comes from being a human. I am allowed to be an expert in the field of humanity because that is the plane of my existence. The harder we look upon other planes the less efficient we become and the more we destroy ourself.
Natural interaction < TruthFest2012 > 05/28 10:39:31
provides the greatest "punishment." When we put our foot in the way and claim that we NEED PUNISHMENT we are not allowing justice to run it's course.
True justice is found in observing a full course of action, allowing the process to unfold and for the natural reaction of observers / local subjects to be observed. There is no better time in our existence than now because we can monitor the function of an event at the global scale. NEVER before until least consciously. (Thank you INTERNET)
Example, a region of undeveloped (non-technologically advanced) Earth has inhabitants. These inhabitants have a high infant mortality rate. The immediate reaction is to step in and take control of the situation by propagating the use of technology to help reduce the number of infant deaths. This looks like a problem solver and the children are capable of flourishing. Meanwhile, the longevity impacts are beyond recognition. Developmental diseases and emotional trauma are the scars of not allowing the process to unfold.
The proper way to allow natural justice is to observe the natural reactions of the mothers that have lost their children. What is keeping them from adapting to the situation? Well, a common observation of this situation notices the priest of the tribe declaring that the child be pulled immediately from the mother and placed in a holding bin. The colostrum (pre-milk) is drawn from the mothers bosom, discarded (considered a pussy buildup) and replaced with a mixture of sweet tasting honey and herbs. All in the name of religion and appealing to their Gods.
Well, upon this observation, witnessing the destructive mechanism of appealing to a higher power (God, court system, general census, what have you) the problem lies in simply observing a tradition to appeal to a higher power. Now, we understand that NATURE was infinitely wise in the original process through allowing the mother to dictate the practice of childbirth. Bringing the child DIRECTLY to the mother's eyes and allowing her to connect immediately, including the delivery of the LIFE SAVING colostrum that includes the essential micro-organic material for complete adaptation, saving the life of the children.
They don't teach high nature in criminology. Punishment is hardly just.
A unified humanity < TruthFest2012 > 05/28 08:30:57
is inevitable. The funny thing is...we're already connected and we're just starting to recognize that. Even the barely comprehensible theoretical field equations of "Quantum Mechanics" suggest that there is unity at the smallest scale of energy function, influencing particle nature. If these scientific "priests" can suggest something through a mathematical formula such as this, that means that even the science rooms are at least considering metaphysical nature, once again.
Just like when the Earth became a sphere and the nucleus of an atom "emerged" into our minds.
God ruled those domains at the time. The domains of uncertainty.
Well, it looks like God is staring most particle physicists and cosmologists right in the face once again. The difference this time? To further explore will require a VAST amount of energy and resources. Time to check the moral objectivity of science itself.
The last I saw, the CERN particle accelerator (LHC) was operating FAR below it's designed "potential." Even in this shorthanded state, it consumes enough energy to power a good sized city for some time. As well, they are mining and consuming helium (in the form of liquid helium) just to keep it cool. Did you know helium comes from below the Earth's surface? Does anybody else agree that perhaps it was best left there?
No reason the kinetic energy of the Earth has changed. Global environmental stability is not only determined by the condition of the air we breath, but perhaps more-so by the condition of the layers below the surface. Unfortunately, in our goal to satisfy a VERY short life span, we are watching millions of biodegraded LIFE pour into the ocean. What is oil supposed to be? Perhaps a lubricant for the Earth's surface or maybe a kinetic energy field that traps the strong EMF from the center of the Earth within itself. Keeping life stable.
These seem like questions that should be asked. In the mean time, we will be unified and the truth will become abundantly clear very soon. EVERYTHING is repairable in a world that is governed by consciousness.
Good / Bad < TruthFest2012 > 05/28 08:39:17
There are no "good" or "bad" people. Merely messengers.
Like Frank Herbert suggested through Dune in the Bene Gesserit perspective, there are hardly any humans in humanity. To be human is to be capable of comprehending reality.
If this makes sense to us, people know not what they are doing. In other words, we are all tools of a higher purpose, or, unifying consciousness.
Not that Dune and it's supportive stories are the answer. However, that man had quite an understanding of humanity. In my perspective.
Perhaps this fellow is merely convincing himself. Sometimes it takes others to help us see ourselves.
I KNOW he's a perfect person. We all are.
Reason. "Why?" < TruthFest2012 > 05/28 08:18:56
Of course there is a reason for all of this. I like to look at the driving force behind the most influential and powerful movements of all time. Most of them went something like this:
1) Individual "discovered" his / her truth at a young age, in the midst of growing up.
2) Individual explored the truth through isolation. Individual exploration. Self reflection.
3) His / her truth evolved, adapted to meet the criteria of the changing world as the individual observed it and the individual began expressing his / her philosophy upon the world.
4) A supreme "test" came forth and tested the credibility of his / her truth. The individual's truth evolved once again only this time, the individual recognized the need for ALL individuals to not only express themselves and be released from oppressive psyche control, but the individual dedicated his / her life to human equality, through promoting the power from within each individual and promoting PEACE and LOVE. Specifically those 2 things. Every time.
These characteristics are quite consistent for progressive truth movements. Unity , equality and PEACE. All in the name of LOVE.
Is there a reason for existence? YES. It's already happening at all times. We just have to clear the indoctrinated fog from our eyes, ears, mouth, skin, nose and heart so we can feel it.
For those of us that feel it, everyone is already doing their part in the reason.
If your life doesn't seem reasonable, then perhaps there is still more self reflecting to be done. Perhaps.
From Me to Cousin Laura in response to a political slur comment.
Yay Laura! I LOVE to hear from you. I want you to know that the ONLY thing I am concerned with is your voice. The same truth goes for each member of our family and everyone beyond.
I'd like to let you know that you can say NOTHING to silence me. The spirit of the entire room at the time is why I chose to remain silent. The noise of the separation between all of us is what kept me silent. Just so you know...I won't be silent much longer.
You most likely tuned into my expressive rant regarding "do what you LOVE" all weekend. "Speak your mind" and "be yourself" are also a few key phrases I liked to set in through the duration of our togetherness. I have a REASON for these key phrases. One specific reason. Human unity. Self-preservation. Survival of myself.
You see, I have spent the entirety of my life observing. Observing and measuring. I came to a point where my own intelligence was not good enough to rationalize what it is I had been observing. Then, something changed.
Roughly 6 years ago I took the "leap of faith" into religion. It scared the hell out of me. Not because the concepts were incomprehensible but because the general concepts of ALL religions (unity, equalization, brotherly (sisterly) love, togetherness, unifying consciousness, etc) made PERFECT sense of reality. So I went the other way. I burned my bibles and my "Thinking and Destiny" book by Percival, my Columbia's "History of the World" and ANYTHING that had to do with somebody making a statement about who I am. How could they know who I am? How could they be so certain of the nature of things without including my oddities into their equations? Well...I just wasn't capable of understanding their underlying message at the time. All I could see was their "measurable and observable" properties of what they were stating. Their empirical "proof." And that's how I lived my life for the last 6 years. When I met Leigha, I knew I was in LOVE but I wasn't prepared to understand what that meant. I became a floating radical. A FREE RADICAL. I went wherever I could survive and stole something from whatever was around me to fulfill my own life. I simply thought that life was just what it appears to be and there was nothing more. Governments and institutions are merely inhibitors to human happiness and nothing could bind me to an all encompassing truth. Well, I was partly true. Then, we found out we were having a baby.
Leigha naturally wanted to have a home birth. Me, being the free radical I was figured that was probably the best thing since medical establishments do more harm than good in practical (non-emergency) situations. And, we were right. We approached a naturopathic doctor that sent us to our midwife (also named Laura) who literally changed our lives. 100%.
She gave us access to INFORMATION that provided insight into human potential. This was good since all of us are humans, right? Well...I breezed through the work of Dr. Michel Odent (Primal Health Research at / he was the head of Pithiviers in France within their birthing unit) as well as Antoine Bechamp and many other scientific geniuses. You see, these people have been silenced by the corporations because they are promoting one very simple yet astounding concept. Individual adaptation and human potential.
Human beings are NOT struggling to survive with nature. We are functioning symbiotically in a progressive evolution WITH nature. Not against it.
People like Louis Pastuer have become popular because an established institution of the time has recognized the control factor. Then, our society embraces it because our education system does NOT perpetuate intellectual progress, rather, trivial memory. This leads to a perpetual system of stupidity and ignorance. Not at the hands of the ignorant, but bound by the confines of the system in place. A sort of stagnation in an ever evolving symbiotic universe. And then, comes disease.
Disease, as I now understand it, is merely a product of INTELLECTUAL MISUNDERSTANDING. A natural reaction to ARTIFICIAL influence. Not only is disease unnatural at it's foundation, it's here to show us that we are completely adaptable to ANY and ALL environmental conditions. Why? Because we are not the consistent beings that we think we are. Our cell structure is in place because the cells themselves are intelligent and choose to work together to produce the most effective adaptive form...or, the human being.
So, that's what I learned from investigating human development. But, it doesn't stop there. Up to this point I was merely reinforcing my already established platform of understanding society design and instituted establishments. There still loomed a big question...why would all of this matter if we were just going to die?
This is where it gets good. We are not intended to die. No human is intended to die. We just don't understand what we are and what we need. Until now.
The Internet was gifted upon us by people that thought they understood everything. High science truly believes that they hold the tools for providing the path of enlightenment. Well, I can show you very easily that they do not. They physically don't have the capacity to understand nature through observation and measurement.
You took physics. You took higher mathematics. You understand reductionism. Science reduces the human being (neuroscience / physiology reduced to biology reduced to chemistry reduced to physics). Well, science has never attempted nor come close to a comprehensive understanding of the human mind. That is left to the deductive reasoning. Not empirical research and development. Technology has NEVER been close to simulating a human mind. How could this be if science and mathematics is the path of explaining the nature of our physical world? Aren't we physical and a part of this world? Yes. And therein lies the truth of all things. Our universe is NOT defined by mathematical functions. Even quantum mechanics utilizes probability through uncertainty variables within it's wave / particle functions. Albert Einstein understood that there was more to what even he understood yet he was not willing to accept that we could have mathematics and uncertainty in the same phrase. We should not have to make a choice if we are utilizing mathematics. All of physics would be rewritten if we accepted probabilistic values in a physics equation. Well, quantum mechanics is close...but still very far away. How can we expect to SEE nature when we are a part of the experiment? We in fact alter the outcome simply by observing. WE CANNOT UNDERSTAND NATURE INTELLIGENTLY.
Einstein understood that there would have to be a unifying theory that included human actuality. Why would he feel this way? Because there is one. And it abolishes ALL mathematical and intellectual premises to date because there is only one interest and purpose for our entire universe and everything within / beyond it. Life.
We are fractal representations of the Universe. We are composed of intelligent beings (thank you Dr. Bruce Lipton and your "Wisdom of Cells" research) that are composed of intelligent beings. Around us, is an intelligent Universe. Not only is there "intelligent design" all around us, we are a part of the intelligence. Our consciousness is a mirror representation of what the Universe is doing, of what our cells are doing, of what an electron field is doing etc...Infinitely. The human psyche is the key to understanding the nature of all things. And that time is approaching very quickly.
Right now, the developed nations are focused on material acquisition, as if that is the key to happiness and self-preservation. That is due to the inadequate view of material reality. We have literally duped ourselves into believing that things take a long time to happen. We have literally been duped into believing that time is a physical thing with exact parameters. We don't understand time at all. Evolution isn't preset in time. Evolution is spontaneous. We can see this simply by watching a child develop within a human being. From a single cell to every form of life available (amoeba, invertebrate, fish, reptile, mammal) throughout it's development. You and I are fractal examples of what evolution is. AND, we are fractal examples of what our Universe is. Intelligent, self-aware, active and alive. Completely.
Now, how can it be that we are not supposed to die? Do I mean in human form or as a spirit? In human form.
We are not individuals. Not at all. There is no space in between. We are completely unified at all times with all things. However, we are a unique species. We are the universe incarnate. Therefore, we are one singular organism, just as our cells are combined in a joint effort to produce us, we are combined with ALL OTHER HUMANS at ANY GIVEN TIME to produce the human race. A singular organism.
So, as we continue to oppress each other across our globe, we are indeed oppressing ourselves. Cellular senescence occurs as a result of mistreating ourselves. When we kill large volumes of fellow humans, we literally shorten our own lives. The equation for this can be found at my blog.
Of course Laura, this won't necessarily just sink in as the truth. That is for you to discover for yourself. You are the universe all wrapped up in you. You are the most powerful and important being in your universe and everything around you is functioning FOR YOU. I'm merely stating that established thoughts that limit your own growth and life are not necessarily righteous. Institutions such as religion, Western medicine, Eastern society, mathematics, false science and anything that has been developed as "the truth" is not capable of adapting therefore is not sufficient. Once we develop mathematics with MORAL variables in place, we will see something that considers ALL reality as the true physics.
Well, LOVE is just that.
So, the answer to your political question is perfect. I have no politics. I am only interested in one thing. Human equalization. There are no kings amongst us. Only false icons. You are the truth. Everything else is only in support of that fact.
I hope you find what you are looking for Laura. It could be that the path could be the one you dislike the most or the one that you haven't even considered. Or, it could be that the search itself is what's keeping the path from emerging upon you.
As always, don't take me for what I say. Take me for how I act. Actuality is how our universe functions. My words are actions indeed, yet my being is a better story teller.
Nothing but LOVE and Peace,
A Spontaneous Poem < TruthFest2012 > 06/03 11:41:59
I'm going to write what I'm feeling into a poem. My feelings come from a review of a few of today's PHI-FO posts. Here goes. I started at 11:26 am, pst.
A discussion of facts
A review of statistics
Leaves a room full of questions
Completely specific
Such as why are we here
And what is most fair
Or what's best for them
Because they're over there
We say, "They cannot be me
For I am not them
I see space in between
No boundaries, except when"
We claim, "I'm all by myself
and I struggle through life
I may have an angel
but I'd call her my wife."
We cling to the tangible
when we've been shown that there's more
around every corner
and behind every door.
So in our gasp for equality
to provide needs to the masses
it's time to wipe the thick fog
from upon our reality glasses.
To reach for a dream
from within our imagination
and accept that we're not alone
we're part of an orchestration
But who makes the calls
and who determines sin
Well that's right and wrong
and that's found within.
There's nobody here
Except you all the time
But the same's true for me
And therefore we're combined
When you reach out to help
you're helping yourself
And it's time to unite
So we can bring health
For all of mankind
regardless of legion
I believe we've been duped
by claiming a region
The Earth is our home
and it's bringing us in
In a joint call to duty
For equalization
I just felt the need to write this today...I love you Thursday, June 3, 2010 11:34 AM
From: "Chelsea Fine"
Dear Baby LeGault:
You aren’t among us yet, outside of your mama’s belly, but we are all
so excited to meet you.
I met your father before I met your mother, as you may know by now,
that we have a group of friends that are as different as night and day
but who all have the same heart. Robert identified that in your dad
and brought him home to fold him into our group of friends. I used to
play pool with your dad in Robert’s garage and have incredible
conversations about religion and personal exploration of time and
space. He had very short hair and a very intense light about him that
quickly made me appreciate his presence. His intellect, quick wit and
humor made him one of my favorite people. I think your mother may have
found similar qualities in him and they found each other working at
Olive Garden and dreaming the same dreams. And from there, we welcomed
the incredible unit that your parents have become into our circle of
life. Your mother walks with a soul that is calming and compassionate,
her laugh is genuine and her heart is unconditional. One of the
fondest memories I have of your parents is swimming with them on a hot
summer day at the Illinois River and we were all sitting on the rocks
and your mom swam up and kissed your dad and he said hello lover. And
I knew at that moment that they would be together forever and have a
beautiful life together.
Your parents didn’t just date and do what other people do. They
traveled and witnessed life and shared their energy with the world.
They became best friends, they grew and kept dreaming. They explored
the shores of Hawai’i and wandered the highways and back roads of our
nation together. They found in each other a love and that transcends
time, makes love song lyrics look pale and boxes of chocolate appear
When I heard news of your impending arrival I was truly excited for
your parents. As someone who believes destiny and timing, the world is
ready for you and your light. I hope to be a part of you and your
family’s life and we watch you run through the grass in the summers,
jump through mud puddles in the spring and share your energy with a
world that needs more people like you and your parents. We welcome you
into our hearts and wait for you to grace us with your presence.
Welcome little one!
With Love and Light from your friend, Chelsea
A very LARGE opponent of Technology 1 Day, 18 Hours ago
Peter Joseph / TZM advocates,
I am posting this upon the Radio Address section of this forum because I am a believer in The Zeitgeist Movement and it's proposed goal of a change in global consciousness. As well, I am posting this upon this forum because I am afraid of the path that TZM (Peter Joseph) has claimed to temporarily satisfy the effects of the movement in recent months.
The most attractive aspects of TZM are it's blatant portrayals of truth through deceit in society's structure. This is what turned most of us into "followers" of TZM. Many of us witnessed the wonderful composition of unifying ideas through the work of Peter in the first two Zeitgeist films. There was a general feeling amongst the many supporters that this was indeed a lofty production and a "good" project. Addendum showed us a vast array of unifying concepts. Yet, we have been placed directly where we do not want to be. Social limitation.
The Venus Project is a technology based ideology. It perpetuates the idea that humanity is better off utilizing technology to bring about a healthy environment. I would like to explain to you that we could not be farther from the truth.
Nowhere within the confines of the Scientific Method does it state that we MUST utilize technology for our own success. In FACT, there has been an extreme amount of science that has shown the ill effects of a humanity dependent upon technology for society interaction. There have been countless objections by very prominent philosophers / scholars for a society that is solely technological. This is because reason and logic is the product of pure science. NOT technology.
In the Addendum movie there is a very prominent philosopher / consciousness "expert" being quoted for nearly 2 minutes at the beginning of the film. Jiddu Krishnamurti. A South Indian born in the late 1800's. This man often spoke of humanity and "where we are going" much like Peter has taken the task of doing. Do any of you know of this man? What was his upbringing? What was he really talking about? He was talking about how to be human. In the face of a technologically separated humanity. How to regain humanity.
Krishnamurti had no capacity for technical education at a young age. He was often considered quite "dull" in his appearance and many considered him mentally challenged. It was a CLAIRVOYANT that discovered Krishnamurti at the beach when this man recognized Krishnamurti's "light" about him. A pretty good summary of Krishnamurti can be found here:
Essentially, this man claimed that the conscious revolution would come from WITHIN humankind...not from an external source.
This is a VERY spiritual concept. Yet the comprehension of conscious change is quite inspirational to MANY of us here at this "technological" movement.
I have been a supporter of TZM since it's inception. I always have felt a bit of animosity towards TVP however. Here is why.
Human NATURE does NOT embrace technology.
If we would like to continue assuming that humanity is ridicule to reductionist understanding and is at advantage when in the presence of high technology than this can be hard to comprehend. I would like to show you some SPECIFIC examples of how we do NOT embrace technology at the elemental / molecular / humanitarian / planetary level.
First, elemental.
We merely need to observe the periodic table of elements. I am an advanced chemistry graduate and studied electrical engineering in college. When I went through my schooling, we didn't even have the majority of the "f block" of the table. As well, those elements are completely ARTIFICIAL here upon our livable environment. They did NOT come here without our mining from below the Earth's surface and processing through HIGH ENERGY FIELD GENERATION, either nuclear fission or some other technological means. They simply are NOT natural here upon the surface of Earth (where we live) and it shows in the DRASTIC biological effect of the elements. As we pull these elements from their place we have a dual disastrous effect upon us. 1) In the immediate degradation of the material into our atmosphere and 2) In the longterm balance of our environment. We can see this quite simply with nuclear waste and the continued use of scientific facilities / components such as CERN and the LHC. Liquid helium cools that collider and helium comes from below the surface of the Earth, trapped in other metals / elements. Helium is a component of the Sun in it's natural fission process. There are COUNTLESS examples of how harmful elemental unEarthing and creation is upon biological life.
Second, molecular.
Do any of you understand free radical cells? Free radicals were first discovered in the combustion phase of a thermodynamic experiment. We commonly see the transition of carbon based fuels into hydrocarbons and other free radical creation during HIGH HEAT interaction. Simply charring your food produces free radicals within oils and other heavy carbon molecules. Free radicals are naturally occurring within our cells. They perform biodegrading and other natural processes. As well, they become violent (disease) when we expose them to unnatural conditions. Such as, EMF radiating technology. Has anybody asked Jacque and his team of engineers what the EMF (electromagnetic field) will be from the Mag-Lev trains that TVP is so proud of? We used to consider that there were NO biological implications from EMF exposure. The WTO (World Trade Organization) made sure to oversee MANY short term (5-10 year) studies of EMF radiation. Well, that has all changed. In Asia, Germany, Russia and even in the U.S. there have been COUNTLESS studies showing the INCREASE in free radical aggression (cancer) within areas that are constantly exposed to EMF's. Such as Cellular Phones. Cell Phones emit EMF's within the microwave range. This is why you don't use a microwave if you have a pacemaker for your heart. Well, if microwave radiation can inhibit the continuous cycle of a pacemaker, than why should we consider EMF's from technological / electrically charged societies will have NO ill effect upon biological life, humanity included?
Third, humanitarian.
The human being is more dynamic and adaptable than science currently understands. It's not to say that we don't understand humanity, it's that technology has only INHIBITED the adaptability of humanity. Such as, birthing systems, immunization, communication, nuclear families, activity, food production and the list goes on. Many of you will argue that it's the "mindset" of the human that inhibits adaptation, when in fact, many of you still believe that human beings are struggling AGAINST nature to survive. That evolution is a result of "survival of the fittest." Well, I'll agree that technology weakens our ability to naturally adapt. However, I'll also let you know that we are human, and we can adapt AWAY from technology.
Hospitals should be nothing more than emergency mechanisms. They have become commonplace for practical human natural processes. Such as childbirth. In "Primal Health Research" ( we have seen that Obstetrics is one of the most "dangerous practices upon the human ability to adapt" that we have ever seen. This is a highly technical field. Simple ultrasounds and tests do NOTHING for ANYONE. They make us aware of "complications" that need immediate pharmaceutical sedation. Then, we claim that we are in a state of disease so we need psychotherapeutic drugs and the manipulation continues. In reality, NATURE has us taken care of at all times. My wife and I are welcoming our child into our HOME, AT HOME, with NO DOCTORS and NO EPIDURAL. Home birth is the MOST MEDICALLY SOUND practice on Earth for birthing and it is the MOST COMMON PRACTICE on Earth, in reference to the global population. As well, the majority of family separation comes at the hand of "higher learning" and individual development in the name of technology. When in REALITY...most people in their older years do everything they can to reunite with their family. Why? Because we are SUPPOSED TO BE ACTING AS HUMANITY. Not as technologically separated beings. WE are supposed to eat what we grow regionally and are supposed to be communal families. Like indigenous tribes. Globally.
Also, Peter made quite a bold statement in his last radio address. He claimed that the United States is so far gone (in corruption flux) that Europe is the new focus of the movement. That doesn't sound like somebody that understands human nature. Of COURSE Europe is a proponent of TVP. They would LOVE to technologically automate their nations before anyone else. That is the NEXT PHASE IN DESTROYING HUMANITY.
Fourth, planetary.
When we pull ANY kind of energy from ANY source for ANY application, we are upsetting the balance of biological life. Einstein showed us that energy doesn't leave, it just changes form. What makes us think that by automating the planet with MACHINES (composed of metal that DOESN'T EXIST IN OUR NATURAL HABITAT) that are fueled by energy, we will not upset the balance of our planet? When we pull biologically focused photon energy from the sun in the form of photovoltaic panels, we eliminate the opportunity for that light to touch the Earth, ourselves and our plants. As well, when we pull geothermal heat from below the surface of the Earth, we are literally cooling a layer of our planet that is supposed to be a certain temperature. As well, when we place machines within the ocean floor that capture the tidal forces and currents of our oceans we are eliminating the natural habitat that has produced life for billions of years. Meanwhile, the planet becomes a sort of limited science project. Limited to the confines of human intellect.
To consider that nature has no intelligence is absurd. Look at the result of ANY high science and we will see that not only is nature intelligent, it is FAR ahead of our intelligence in it's complexity and balance.
I am not against the scientific method. I am against INSTITUTIONS that CLAIM TO HAVE BEEN THOROUGH and with COMMON motives yet are perpetuating a destructive system such as a technologically automated societies. If you can show me a technology that replace an authentic midwife, please, show me. If you can show me a synthetic DNA strand that can compliment our environment as well as Nature has already done, show me. If you can show me a unifying concept of TVP that appeals to the MAJORITY of Earth's population...please, show me.
We are HERE TOGETHER. We should be using the passion of TZM to WORK TOGETHER right NOW.
We play Krishnamurti's voice yet we don't here his words. We play multiple versions of John Lennon's "Imagine" yet don't envision his Nutopia.
We claim that we are cosmic anomalies that need to treat each other better. For what? For a quicker ride to LA so I can watch machines do what I have been wanting to do this whole time? Plant seeds. Grow food. Build a log cabin with straw and adobe walls. Fish. Cultivate the Earth that I have been GIFTED with my own two hands.
Not with the hands of a computer programmed machine.
Are we really being serious or are we afraid of what we really are? I'll tell you this much. Technology will NOT show you what you are. Krishnamurti could have told you that. You have to figure that out for yourself.
I'd like to suggest that we have a formal "complaint" opposing the idea of technology as salvation. Yes for the scientific method of determining problems, NO for the scientific method requiring more technology. Humanity yes.
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 16 Hours, 38 Minutes ago
Very wonderful indeed. There is ONE interest in the efforts of my being. Unity. Why? Because we are MORE than our interpretation of nature.
Many of you us will consider our technological endeavors "advancement" and "natural." That our "struggle to survive" perpetuates our manipulation of our environment to produce the most effective method of survival / adaptation.
Well, I will reply that you have more to research. Unfortunately, the SAME power hungry individuals that we are ALL working against did what they could to cover up the TRUTH. What is the truth? YOUR NATURE as explained through cellular / genetic understanding.
In the late 1800's there was a vast amount of research done on the nature of a cell. A French cellular biologist named Antoine Bechamp discovered that "disease" is the result of cellular reaction to microorganism influence. As well, these microorganisms were ever changing and were working to develop a symbiotic relationship WITH the cell in order to be most effective in adapting to the environment. This lead to his Cellular Theory of Disease. Look it up.
In the mean time, the medical establishment of the time sent in Louis Pasteur. His work was made popular with his Germ Theory of Disease. He claimed that disease are consistent microorganisms that could be defended against. What happened next? Technology was invented to allow for the "defense" of these microorganisms. Look it up. Immunizations. COMPLETELY FALSE.
ANY time a progressive move has been made to show
1) The TRUE nature of a human being (YES, there is one...Jacque Fresco has NO idea what he is talking about regarding humanity, he is an his perspective is the OPPOSITE of what is TRUE based upon a LEGITIMATE human review using the scientific method)
2) The TRUE adaptability of the human being
3) The Anthropomorphic proportion of NATURE and MAN
there is an IMMEDIATE cover up and corporate takeover of the progressive information that was provided from the move.
Many of us will defend technology because we commonly use it. I use the computer. Obviously. Why? Because I am in a complete effort to UNITE the human species through the distribution of information so that we eventually recognize that we can do WITHOUT technology because the status of our species is being bound by said technology's inferior capacity.
Of course this will light the fires under some of you and it will sound utterly ridiculous to others. That's the point. If you still BELIEVE that there is no Utopia, you have been MISLEAD by another human being that has been mislead as well.
When we claim that "there is NO God" or "There IS a God" we have done the same thing. We have instantly placed a limitation upon our being. I am claiming that there is MUCH more available to us as a consciously focused (in a similar direction) species than by claiming that we need to redesign our energy grids and the such. 75% of the Earth's population DOESN'T USE THE INTERNET. Did you know that? As well, 60% doesn't have access to simple utilities. Meanwhile, these regions are procreating at exponential rates and our "advanced" technological societies are all but coming to a halt. Because we claim that our Earth cannot support more life or whatever BOGUS information we have put in front of us by MUCH more INTELLIGENT power systems.
Well, if you want to continue to claim that TVP is working in the benefit of humanity, please do. I will have you know that Jacque, Roxanne and ANY other EDUCATED or INDOCTRINATED "technician" is nothing more than supporting a prejudice. The prejudice is intellectual prowess and the answer is NOT to be found with technology.
Oh yes, if you'd like to see ANY supportive text, I would be happy to support you to my work. It is an accumulation of COMPLETELY elemental truth. Not half work. Full work. As well as the support that is it's foundation. As well, if you have anything to add, send it through. It's all about the truth. No more manipulation. No more deceit.
The truth is what we know through observation. Why aren't we observing humanity RIGHT NOW? Rather than the misguided actuality of the mislead...
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 10 Hours, 44 Minutes ago
I believe that I DO get it. There is a level of immorality / inhumanity in propagating a system of technological automation.
Once you show me a technological system that is as efficient as a NATURAL humanity in it's biological splendor, I will "get it" if by "get it" you mean submit to the authority of technical "understanding."
Technology is a system of representing our comprehension of our place in existence. It is NOT the only system. In fact, as I've been stating here and in MANY posts before this, it is one of the LEAST efficient systems for progressing humanity. Technology is TOO stable in an unstable environment. This is why ANY metal either biodegrades (through oxidation / radiation) or rapidly pollutes our natural environment.
We simply "need" technology to OBSERVE the inhumanity of it's acquisition and application. We will enter a post-electronic era.
It is inevitable as we are becoming aware.
As for tools and purpose, if we build homes that are structurally sound and use renewable resources / surface bound resources such as wood, clay, straw, adobe etc...we have done something sustainable and good. Once we dig deep into the Earth and expose elements that are NOT naturally surface bound, we have gone too far.
We think in a scope of 100 years. We DO NOT think for thousands of years because we are so focused on the limitations that our predecessors have placed upon us through cyclical insanity. The natives OFTEN thought of their ecological imprint for 7 generations out. Well, we have enough history to show us a thousand generations of the past and we have the information necessary to show us our path if we seek more mechanics and less humanity.
ALL of the questions of "where we are going" and "what can we do" would be answered if people would simply STOP what they are doing right NOW, look in the mirror, and recognize that they are ALIVE. STOP eating mass produced foods, STOP shopping for NEW THINGS and STOP consuming at a ridiculous rate. Take a deep breath, recognize that THIS IS YOUR WORLD and YOU DON'T NEED TO WAIT FOR AN OLD MAN'S VISION to set you free.
YOU are the truth. Nothing else. Without you, there is nothing. The same goes for ALL other perspectives.
If you are going to claim intelligence...complete the cycle. Become intelligent. Sacrifice your "self" and listen to how important your subconscious thinks you are.
Or, claim that you "get it" and that humanity is bound by it's technology.
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 1 Hour, 17 Minutes ago
Thank you all for being supportive of my work!
First, I'd like to suggest that there is a level of human awareness within each of us that is impossible to comprehend utilizing the measures of observation and measurement. This awareness is key in altering a state of psyche. Consciousness.
I AGREE that we should FULLY evaluate the effects of ALL technology from this point forward. This will be thorough only if we evaluate humanity in it's entirety.
Please show me evidence of there being no Utopia, end result, finish line or what have you. I am suggesting, humanity in it's natural state (all units within the species accounted for at any given time) will cultivate Utopia as the primary means of survival and adaptation.
The Electromagnetic Field IS the radiation. Yes, all things have an EMF field. So when we think things are "falling to Earth" the inertia of their charge particles is truly bringing them together based upon the EMF field of the objects. I believe "gravity" has been rewritten a time or two for this comprehension.
TVP does not take into consideration the core of the scientific method. That is what this thread is all about. TVP utilizes technological advancement. That is like suggesting the newest idea is the BEST for humanity. In case you haven't noticed, I am suggesting that the oldest idea is perhaps the best.
As I have stated many times in my work and most likely upon this thread, of course I am using technology to convey the inhumanity of technological worship. We are FAR greater than the sum of our parts. Our technology is merely a representation of our momentary understanding. That is why it is not perpetual. In fact, it devours energy.
We are all thinking and discussing on a stationary foundation. We believe that we only have a certain time to fulfill the needs of humanity and that our lives are limited by physics and mathematics. This is the element of our limitations. Once we recognize, first individually and then cumulatively, that we are far greater than our intellect can allow, we will recognize the capacity of humanity.
Please point to any perspective within my post and I will provide clarity and supportive text. I have logged my "rant" within my work.
We are human. We are supposed to figure ourselves out. That's why we have a mind in the first place. If we believe that we can express our true self in the form of a machine then we immediately fall into the laws of interpretation and observation. Second hand to our true nature.
Thank you again for your time and alternative focus!
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 1 Hour, 46 Minutes ago
And here is where we can establish what it is I am talking about.
1) Our common interpretation (within the scientific community) of Evolution.
Many of us willingly accept Darwin's Evolution of the Species. Survival of the fittest. Struggling to survive through whatever means. (as in the monkey using a fighter jet if it were available) I am proposing that Darwin was not complete in this understanding, yet many of us consider that we are here by chance and are amidst a consistent barrage of nature that is trying to defeat us in order for itself to exist. (See Dr. Bruce Lipton and "Spontaneous Evolution" for some supportive insight)
Evolution is NOT survival of the fittest. Evolution is spontaneously occurring always and is completely symbiotic and procreative. When we see struggling, we see ourselves struggling. The only reason we struggle is because we have channeled our focus into one view of natural interactivity through reductionist means. As I've stated before in this thread, there has been much definitive work done on showing that nature is working WITH us and FOR us THROUGH us. Those same microorganisms that deteriorate our technology (only if said technology is non-renewable or based upon unEarthed elements) are supporting us. People believe that human aging is due to reliability (through exposure) or some scientifically explained phenomenon. Well, quite simply, it's not. AND, you are a human. Therefore, our science has NOT defined humanity as we don't commonly except the true effect of evolution, our own significant role within it and the sole purpose for evolution. Biological life. Not just movement, but movement with purpose. Technically speaking, all things are composed of moving things. Even the smallest unit of matter is moving. That is what constitutes matter. Well, at some point, intelligence became for a sole purpose. To exist more effectively. Survival. Of the most aware. Not the most fit. In my work I am suggesting that the human species has sacrificed it's position as the most "successful" as commonly interpreted in biology textbooks and food chain diagrams. We are not the most successful species any more, as we individually forfeit our lives through misunderstanding.
2) Our common interpretation (within the scientific community) of humanity.
Many modern scientists and scholars claim humanity to be a plague upon a vast landscape. We are viewed as consumers with only one motive in mind. Survival. Half of this statement is true. We are survivors. Nothing more. Until we redefine our capacity as a species as anything other than diseased and consumptive we will continue to convey ourselves as such.
Humanity is all there is. It just so happens that the most effective way for you and I to adapt is through cooperation. Not individuality. This is why the most advanced regions of our world are living no longer than the most peaceful and least developed regions of the world. The undeveloped regions of our world that are being sacrificed at such a young age (such as Central / South Africa with their 31 year maximum life spans) are doing so NOT due to being undeveloped. Due to being the region of most social confusion.
We often talk of disease. Did you know that affluent disease is now the #1 fastest killer of humanity? Not diseases of poverty. This is because humanity has the capacity to align with the microorganisms that we consider "diseased" and become stronger by naturally adapting together in a similar environment. The only reason microorganism based disease still exists is because WE perpetuate it by installing false methods of handling it, through, technology. Nature is within us and is doing what it can to build us into the strong organic system we are supposed to be.
We act as if we are disconnected. This is due to a reliance upon empirical "truth." I am curious, how many things do you accept that are not observable nor measurable within your immediate environment? You accept the quantum nature of electron fields. The man that suggested that phenomenon (Max Planck) cited the divine proportion and purpose of nature. The intelligence of nature. In all things. As well, Albert Einstein did not believe we could base our actuality upon a physics that did not include humanity. This was why he spent the remainder of his life searching for a "Unified Field" or Theory of Everything. To include humanity within the empirical "truth" of the time. And here we sit. We are all ridicule to the influence of the information available to us, as well as the influence of our limbic system within each of us. We are the most advanced (evolutionarily speaking) simply because we have the most cellular memory stored. We feel disconnected from each other because we see "space" in between us. What about the quantum nature of electron fields? We can't SEE them or touch them, yet, they are all around us. Why? What are they doing? They are binding us together. There is no space between, especially here upon Earth. The simple particle density of our atmosphere shows us this. So, when we begin to comprehend consciousness being a "physical" thing within our environment, what is to say that our thoughts are not having an immediate effect upon the electron field of material? Well, I am suggesting such. Not only are we consciously effecting our environment, we are consciously ridicule to the perception of our environment when we oppress others and others oppress us.
I am suggesting that our current scientific interpretation of humanity is insufficient for determining what we are and what we need. Health can no longer be measured simply by a gavel to the knee. We need OPINION of perspective to determine health. How many times have you heard scientists suggest that we only need FACTS. Well, they are not interpreting FACTS at all. They are interpreting what they have been taught and how they believe their education folds into their perception. They are merely giving a technical representation of their opinion. Always. We all are.
3) You are all that matters.
We often are told that we must wait until we have a plan. All through my time at TZM I have been suggesting that we make changes NOW. WE become the change that we wish to see. Well, our reliance upon the most advanced "scientific method" for designing the technology that will set us free has put us in a perpetual standstill. Why? Because research will be done upon TVP's designs. We will see that there is more efficiency available if we just do more research. Why? Because our current efforts within the scientific laboratories have shown us one consistent thing. ALL technology can be made obsolete. Why? Because we are viewing through a fractal perception. When we think small, there is smaller. When we think large, there is larger. When we think efficient, there is more efficient. The question becomes this...what is most IDEAL for YOU?
What is the moral objectivity of science? At what cost are we willing to sacrifice our lives? When we focus our entire life on finding the perpetual motion machine we look back and see that we WERE the perpetual motion machine. Our soil was designed to feed us. Our water was designed to purify us and our air was designed to constantly condition us. FOR THIS EXISTENCE. When will we accept that MORE technology will place NEW limits upon our condition as all that truly matters?
It is time that we question the motivation of TVP. Are we humans, capable of adapting WITH our environment or are we machines that are insignificant when compared to our own creation?
I KNOW that many of us have experienced doubt when we listen to the technical interpretation of what we need. I have witnessed the submission to authority of OTHER people's ideas that have come when being a part of a Z-Day celebration or what have you. How many times have you been told that your ideas are NOT GOOD ENOUGH to compliment the advanced intellect of the highest technologically advanced society? Well, I am telling you that YOU are all that matters. Always. And the same goes for every other perspective in this existence. I am telling you that your ideas are ALL that matter. Your opinions. Just because you can't support your opinions with trivial memory of somebody else's effort doesn't mean that the design of YOUR society doesn't include your perspective.
4) Only be a sheep long enough to become a lion.
What are you waiting for? You can psychologically evolve BEYOND the constraints of authority. Peter is NOT a leader for anyone but himself. The same goes for ALL of us. We are all ridicule to other people's perspectives until we recognize our own.
Before you suggest, "What are YOU doing? What have YOU done?" I'll let you know. I am not recruiting. I am setting free. I am an ambassador of Nutopia. My child is one of the first born Nutopians in existence. Nutopia is John Lennon and Yoko Ono's conceptual country. You can view it's Declaration upon the blog. This will soon become a website and the newest physics representation of humanity. Why? Because it cannot be disproved until we declare global peace and equal distribution of health resources. (one thing TVP and I agree on) You will soon see a full documentary by a group called L=(O-V)E. We will certainly be including the work of Peter and TZM as well as TVP. It's all part of our evolution as it is here.
5) You are much greater than science can show you.
You are a part of a holistic effect. When you become aware of your desire to unite with other humans, you will become completely aware of your deepest survival instinct. Humankind at the moment is simply failing due to misunderstanding. A lack of information. Well, our fractal evolution has shown us that we will experience holistic consequences once we unite for a common goal. Our focused consciousness will consciously alter reality as we know it. For optimum survival. Time will no longer have an effect once we stop creating tools that are measurable through time. We are designed to perpetually adapt. This cannot be seen through empirical means. This takes a deduction upon reviewing your entire life. That is perhaps the most significant thought experiment one can do. Self-reflection.
6) Peter can determine himself for himself.
What is TZM? Is it an individual's dictatorship. NO. WE determine what the fate of our actuality is. IF we believe that TZM is going off course, speak up. Act differently. Evolve. Technology is the most comfortable avenue. It always has been. There is nothing that is changed when we reinterpret compound algorithms and supplement complex functions with more complex variables. That is COMFORTABLE. What is comfortable about truly changing? That's the point.
Peter will do what he wants. We can simply nod our heads and wait for the world to change around us or we can embrace what we have RIGHT NOW, recognize that we are satisfied and go help others. For humanity. NOT social reconstruction.
7) Be a human.
During natural labor a woman immediately recognizes her limitations. Technology has taken this gift from many women, especially in Western developed(ing) nations. A man has to rely upon faith to recognize his limitations. We no longer need to learn the hard way. We have witnessed the warring and self-destruction long enough. Make the change to be a HUMAN right now. Stand up, go outside, take a deep breath and LISTEN. You should be able to hear what's going on once you recognize that this is all here FOR you. Without it all, you cease to exist. Without YOU, it ceases to exist. As do we all. You are more than a complex atomic machine. You are a human and you are a part of humanity that is a part of an atomic system we call the Universe. WAKE UP. Again.
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 6 Minutes ago
To hellgorama:
TZM advocates the scientific method in determining what is best for humanity as a whole. The communication of information. We are here (naturalists) to SHOW you beyond a doubt that the human being, as well as humanity, is at it's most ideal condition within a naturally developed environment through primitive cultivation of resources. The human being is at it's best upon an archaic foundation of communal actuality, both in the conscious recognition of place in nature as well as the activity of natural coordination. No electronic devices necessary nor computer support. Human beings in the HEALTHIEST state make the PERFECT decisions. In fact, a human being in it's healthiest state recognizes the decisions of others as well as the reason for their decisions. The human being in it's healthiest state becomes natures expressive interpreter. Some call it shamanism, others call it holism. It is called a human being. All human beings are simply taught (very technically) that they are insufficient to the highest technical understanding until they comprehend (understand, or stand under) the mainstream advocated technical outline of reality of the time. We could go so far as to show that mathematics is irrelevant to humanity however we need the numbers to show the damage being done, right now. Eventually, should humanity embrace true nature (as outlined by allowing the scientific method to run it's course for our current capacity, as Midwife and I are here doing) the communication of the highest information will unlock the desire within each individual to write off high technology (electronics, gadgetry, global distribution methods, etc) in favor of local based environmentally sustainable naturalist technology. Basically, producing the most efficient and effective natural products through cultivating the environment of each region without concern for global distribution. People in Alaska (should they choose to stay there) do NOT need Quinoa grown in Bolivia. Sure it's a great whole grain / protein but the environment that the Alaskans have adapted to is not requiring of the composition of food that is grown in conditions far different from Alaska. Part of our dilemma is purchasing ANY kind of food that we believe is "healthy" or easily produced because it appears all over the place. Global distribution of food is FAR from ideal. An example of why I am here, not sure EXACTLY why midwife is here yet I feel a pretty good comprehension. Technology is NOT the result of the scientific's a path of pursuing further curiosity satisfaction within the scientific method. Once technology is proven to have devastating consequences for life, said technology becomes obsolete in favor of living. Just like medicine. "Do no harm." The first rule. As I've mentioned before, we can spend all day listing effects of modern technology and it's separation of humanity through conscious direction and subconscious separation, individually and as a whole. As well, ANY high-technology use confronts the imbalance of energy consumption to moral distribution. TVP plans to develop completely new cities with no reconstruction of past established societies. That is a bold statement and will be quite consumptive of immediate food distribution to ailing regions of our planet. We are here now. If we are wise, we take care of humanity now within our current capacity as we are taking care of our self by doing so.
To MenaMena:
This thread is moving in a direction that will appear "too argumentative" to many. That is because it is addressing a concern for MANY and shaking the foundational confirmation bias of others. Rightly so. ALL new information should. That's the structure of learning. Comfortable, new information comes along, discomfort. What is right? Measure it against what you know, establish a rebuttal (should one arise) and refute the thread. That is how we grow. I am supporting YOU as an individual and the importance of YOU. Your opinion matters. I am suggesting the the opinion of technicians is no different in the opinion of a layman except for the depth of their confirmation bias. There is always more to learn as we are sequentially moving and progressively evolving at all times. In other words, we are currently adapting unless we cling to our confirmation bias and seek only comfort without developing a foundation that encompasses all things. Like Einstein devoting the remainder of his life (after his quantum contribution) to developing a cumulative Unified Theory of Everything. Why would he of all people do this? He would have to rewrite physics. Well, he was not willing to give up gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force and the weak force in order to do so. However, he left us with many quotes of his true perspective. Such as, "Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in LOVE." He, and many others, have devoted their lives to integrating the human condition within the physical field (of mathematics) and have failed. Repeatedly. The closest thing we have now are theories of immense complication. String, super-string and unified field theories of NEAR connection...yet still not humanity satisfying. Dependent upon METAPHYSICAL boundaries (such as unobservable dimensions) and the such. Close yet very far away. We are simple to comprehend once we recognize our true self.
It is good that you recognize "human growth" and "technological growth" as separate entities. I recognize the same notion as true. I will provide many references in the near future. I have them published within my work, that of course, is available for free at all times. As information should be.
Hierarchy: Any system of persons or things ranked one above the other.
Technical: Pertaining to an art, science or the like.
TVP establishes the foundation of a "technical hierarchy." What are they doing right now besides advocating the message? Requesting the efforts of technicians to help establish elemental tools for development of the first cities. Why aren't they requesting the efforts of those not technically inclined with no specific training in any given technical field? Because common knowledge is not good enough to satisfy the development and maintenance of a technologically automated system. Obviously. Therefore, a technical hierarchy is in place to satisfy the requirements of a society designed around this type of platform.
Yes, high technology reliability is VERY contradictory to what Peter originally laid out. The degradation of high religion, high economy, high consumerism and all of the social hierarchies of the time was PERFECT in evaluating our condition. Moving into another system of social hierarchy (technology, or...high science) was a step in the wrong direction. It's okay, we can recognize this through moving forward in the humanitarian effort of unified consciousness, or, common awareness through the distribution of information for individual recognition of human connectedness.
Yes, we should use what is Earth friendly and sustainable to satisfy the needs of ourselves. We are the intelligent beings we are because of nature. Of course that is what the truest science shows us. A perpetual cycle of symbiotic proportions, naturally balanced. Darwinian Law is insufficient to satisfy the evolution of the mind as well as evolution in general. Spontaneous Evolution (by Bruce Lipton) is far more sufficient in regards to what we actually are a part of. Nature is working WITH us and FOR us at all times. WE are working against us upon the notion that we must "struggle to survive" or be most physically fit to succeed. We have given up our position LONG AGO for the most successful species. BristleCone Pines are far more successful. As are deep sea creatures. Once we recognize our humanity and consciously focus in a similar direction of health, we will regain our foothold as the cultivators of health and will join nature in equally maintaining species success.
We are discussing. There is no good or bad information. Merely information. We are all moving forward at all times unless we forfeit our capacity to that of our confirmation bias, of that was established upon past experience or past instruction.
At Omnipriest:
Home birthing is advocated because it is QUITE PROVEN to be the most medically sound procedure for birthing. It is the timeless way. (under Primal Health Research) should help you clarify your perspective. The information you have was propagated by the medical establishment to encourage hospital / doctor use. Economically.
Infant mortality rate is due to there being an intervention of some sort. Many primitive cultures would intervene after the child was born and the "high priest" or leader of the tribe would interfere by removing the child and going through a ceremony ritual of some sort. As well, colostrum (pre-milk) was commonly removed and replaced with an herbal / honey mixture or something that "appealed to the Gods." Well, that is just as unnatural as laying a woman on her back, having a group of unfamiliar doctors and nurses in FULL observation, administering Epidural upon ANY discomfort and using forceps to remove the child because the mother was incapable of NATURALLY producing the oxytocin needed as well as the relaxin necessary to naturally deliver the child. Natural birthing is upright, familiar space, experienced and familiar MOTHERS around helping and a father protecting or taking part if the mother accepts his presence. This is the HIGHEST comprehension of medically sound birthing practices. ANY naturopath or authentic midwife (birthing professional) will attest to that TRUTH.
Yes this reduces the stress for the mother. It is a right of passage to a higher consciousness naturally. Women submit to the power of the subconscious (limbic system / hypothalamus / pineal gland) when going through labor. I say submit because they literally go beyond a normal state of consciousness and enter a "dream like" state. One of significant control and primal nature. This is not the case in most hospital births. Hence, the high rate of C-section and epidural use. The first rule of medicine: DO NOT HARM. The first rule of obstetrics: intervene and take control. Authentic Midwifery: Utilize the natural processes as to allow the mother to dictate the birthing process.
A midwife will ALWAYS suggest hospital intervention in the case of complications. That is part of their training. They do NOT claim to force home-births. The most familiar environment is the most ideal and therefore the home is the most ideal.
At Brandensilva:
We seek unity. Of course I am satisfied when somebody comprehends the information I am providing. Just as I am satisfied when an objection is outlined that facilitates more information to be provided. What you consider "hailing" I consider support. She was already supported the second she opened her eyes this morning. I can make that call because she is a mother. "Mother's know best" could be a slogan of the most progressive movement.
You have pure and unconditional wisdom within yourself as well Brandensilva. It may be your claim that "no one on this Earth" has either of these that stands in your way. Who are you listening to? Yourself or some false belief that was oppressed upon you at an earlier time of your life? I will tell you this one TRUTH. YOU are the ONLY thing that matters at all. When you cease to exist, so do we. Now, the same is true for everyone. Once you recognize your SELF you will recognize the pure and unconditional wisdom you are. Any system that establishes otherwise is insufficient to the human condition. This is up to YOU to find. I am suggesting that technology and mainstream science will NOT lead you to the path of self recognition. Your consciousness can only be defined by YOU. That is your responsibility as a human being, should you choose to accept that path, which it appears you have as you are part of a highly alternative unifying movement, TZM. As am I, and that's why we are here discussing our path of dissent from the current system.
Your perception of your environment dictates your chemical balance within your body. What dictates your perception? Your beliefs...or, memory. Memory is NOT a function of our brain. Memory is a function of our cells. It is a precursory influence upon the membrane of the cell that predetermines the actuality of the signal processing in relation to the protein synthesis for cell development / growth / communication. YOU are the dictator of your being once you recognize your SELF. Until then, you can be victim to the environment if you believe that to be true. I believe I posted a thorough explanation of this phenomena earlier in the thread. Bruce Lipton lecture. He is quite thorough in his description. A little excitable, but, wouldn't you be if you discovered your own power?
False testimony to the positive effects of a technologically developed society is enough to convince laymen of their inadequacy of their current lifestyle. I am working with TZM to keep it progressing in a humanitarian effort, as well as my own efforts doing the same, so that we don't have to slow down human progress by perpetuating technical innovation over human interaction and conscious unity.
The infant mortality rates are only high in regions that intervene in the NATURAL birthing process. Even primitive cultures intervene. We now scientifically understand this (Thank you Dr. Michel Odent / Primal Health Research / Pithiviers in France) and will enter a POST-ELECTRONIC birthing era once we establish that nature is the purest intelligence available for natural processes.
EVERY individual upon this forum can agree that a monetary economy without conscious reform is a bad thing. What would happen if the common knowledge were to become this: "Every human being is directly connected. Each action of every human being directly effects their own self immediately. Each human being is part of a greater organism, humanity. When a human being effects another human, they are effecting themselves. If a person kills another, they have shortened their own life. If a person helps another, they have helped their self. If a person hurts their self, they are hurting others. Indefinitely."
This is the extent of our highest comprehension of humanity. Human beings seek to acquire resources in a failed attempt at self-preservation, just like our dictating systems (religion, banking, etc) do the same. The power hungry simply don't recognize themselves.
We can PROVE the previous quote. We have the capacity. Not in super-string our OWN perception. That is the "newest" information available and it just so happens to have been available for the entire time humanity has existed. It's just been covered up by those that rely upon empirical and immediate proof within their location.
Jacque's homes are very nice indeed. Metal frames are not very efficient however. What about a straw framework (complimented with wooden supports) and an adobe outer layer? Clay and straw homes have been around as long as we can historically review and there are some that have lasted 1000 years in some regions of the world. Simple to develop and highly resilient in ANY condition. Plus, metal comes from sub-terrain environments. It's not naturally available to us.
soltan gris:
You have NO NEED to apologize EVER. We are discussing and together in this discussion. You are not responsible for my feelings, only your own. I am a human. Treat me as one and I will always return the sentiment.
HUMANITY is this: A single organism at all times. Dependent to and amongst ourselves. We are directly connected with our nature (within) and are symbiotically connected with our environment. We are force carriers (like an electron) of information that is essential in our adaptation. When we communicate this information amongst each other, we adapt more efficiently (communal living). As a globally conscious (with the same elemental information) organism, humanity will evolve to a higher state of adaptability. We will consciously act as the humanity that we already are.
Earth can be considered a living organism. It moves and has life blood. In fact, ANYTHING can be considered living if it moves. That is what dictates life. Therefore, all particulate matter is alive as all material is in flux. What appears to be stationary within our perceptual field is in fact moving at another level, be it molecular or atomic. Nothing is stagnant...until, we develop a "law" and declare it to be stagnant. This is why mathematics is failing us as we speak because it provides temporary satisfaction of phenomenon without functioning long enough to establish the incapacity for it to adapt. This is why the LHC at CERN is so inefficient. It's performing at half it's potential and hasn't made an "evolutionary" leap in a few years. It simply cannot as the scientists are attempting 1) To observe the nature of matter (this is effected by their observation, see Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) 2) The input calculations being used are limited to the effects of the established mathematics of the time Essentially, they will see what they want to see and nothing more. Limited to their capacity of confirmation bias and observation laws. Simply inefficient to what we need. Humanity.
Ahhh, Dune. Humanity defined by a brilliant man. Some saw it as a technological wonder (similar to Jacque's designs) and others saw it as a depth perception into human capacity. Frank Herbert understood the ecological effects of unified consciousness and how dire the ecological impact could be upon a unified effort. This is because his inspiration for writing the book was founded upon the sand dune restoration projects being done along the Oregon coast, in Florence. Ecologists were literally grounding the ever evolving sands with native grasses and NATURAL techniques. Technology? Sure. High technology. NO. Human ingenuity at work with NO environmental damage. It was the high technology (dirt bikes, sand buggies, home building, etc) that was depressing that environment. At least the protection plans have gone to work and the dunes will be restored. In my prior state of thinking (a few years ago) I was a member of the sand dune motorcycle club. I now recognize the impact of that destructive type of thinking and acting.
The "items that we need" are still being evaluated. I like to believe I understand human needs as I understand my own. I prefer local foods, small housing, community centers, readily available natural environment (walking distance from home) and the freedom to wander about with no strings attached. I need the communication and affection of my people (anyone I am together with) and I need LOVE. As well, I need to give it all back. Indefinitely. I am a simple person that is taking on a large effort due to being genuinely concerned with humanity as I am a part and I seek for it never to end.
I'd really be satisfied with TVP if there were thorough science being done in it's posed developmental construction. I recall the desire to develop a massive supercomputer to communicate what we "need" to do. Isn't it a backdrop on TVP website? This computer is already available without being needed to be created. It's the Internet. The sensory machines that are to input their continual sensory review of the environment are us. Human beings. Do we really believe that ALL of humanity is going to prefer the guidance of a technical computer versus their own true self? Hardly. We are NOT technical subjects. Unless we claim to be.
I believe we are on the same path of focus soltan gris. Humanity utilizing the CURRENT technology to recognize the effect of our actuality. Absolutely. This will show us that we merely need to communicate information as to the importance of THIS life, HERE AND NOW, and nothing else (no focus on afterlife, no focus on un-experienced phenomenon such as Mars missions and Genome projects / sub-nuclear tests) UNTIL we establish the effect of a UNIFIED consciousness within humanity. Then, we will have the capacity to determine what is right and wrong. Until then, we are expressing a jaded view based upon diseased (misunderstood) thinking. I suggest health over curiosity. I suggest living over pursuit. One organism.
Re:A very LARGE opponent of Technology 4 Hours, 57 Minutes ago
Best of luck to you all. TZM was a large part of my rapid growth and development and it will be documented upon my work as such. I will leave you with this. Your own evolution is greater than you can comprehend. The sequential development of reality that is always happening (becoming a moment, as in NOW) is moving in a consistent direction. This "energy field" is and always has been the same thing.
You all have NOTHING to fear. EVER. Our Universe is NOT dictated by mathematics and highly relative components. Our Universe is morally objective.
It is completely anthropomorphic. Once we comprehend our self, we see the Universe is a representation of us and we are most ideal when we align with all "selfs" within the grander self.
Upon your relentless pursuit of perfecting society to benefit humankind, you will be continually supported by your greatest tool. Greater than the technology that has been provided to you or developed by you. Your self. Upon a thorough comprehension of "self" you will realize that YOU are the most important aspect of all of existence. This is not an ego. This is a self recognition. After one becomes self aware, one develops the capacity to listen. Upon listening, you will recognize "self" in all things. Self is consciousness. At the root of all matter (existence) is consciousness. Intimate respect for all of nature will become a part of you as you will recognize your immediate interconnectedness with all things.
Humanity is evolving beyond the constraints of intellect as we speak. There is MUCH more than we can comprehend with our limited conscious awareness that has been developed upon an empirical foundation.
We are upon the same path and in the same reality at all times. The extent of what is "real" is where our focus should lie. That is the key to developing global awareness. It goes beyond society structure and into the depths of human beings. At our hearts, we merely seek to exist. Once we shroud our self with intelligence that has NO support of fluid existence, we become beings with no purpose. That is the state of technology.
You are what you feel you should be. Right or wrong, you are either one. Do what's right. Discover yourself and you will find that computers are nowhere near your own capacity as the elemental blueprint of the Universe. Take care and live.
Atheistic Hurr < TruthFest2012 > 06/23 09:51:15
A short story, about a fellow named Atheistic Hurr.
(spontaneously started at 9:20 am pst, today)
Oh Hurr was his name and he felt just the same as he had
since he was a kid.
People laughin' and fightin' and bein' quite frightnin' while spewin'
blank words from their lid.
Well along came a whim that sat down with him and said,
"Hey boy, it's all real"
So from that day on young Hurr stood upon a name that made
life a steal.
Atheist was his claim and he saw things the same as he had
since he was a kid.
'Cept now he had friends who taught him to bend the rules
of his childhood squid.
Those long slimy arms that did him such harm could never
reach him again.
Now Hurr was quite free and he wanted to be a success
like the "brightest" of men.
He'd fight to the top and watch others flop at the
sight of his unruly wit.
The last word was his and all others would miss when he
came to the party quite fit.
Now here he stood tall the "brightest" of all for he had
become ruler of Earth.
With a point of his finger he could silence a singer if he thought
the lyrics would hurt.
His position became the claim of his game and nobody
would touch his pure reason.
Hurr would load up his pistol or his heat-seaking missile and take
fire whatever the season.
Fellow humans were his target and oh what a market their heads
would bring with his buddies.
There were so many around it became quite profound the soil was
turning quite bloody.
When the sport of survival made Hurr seek revival there was only
one place he had feared.
He had conquered this world and slept with the girls yet he wondered
"of what am I near?"
Am I part of a plan like that devilish clan had suggested
when I was a kid?
Will I breath beyond death or relish what's left of my masterful
life that I've lived?
So Hurr pondered his name and it fell just the same as it had
become him so long ago.
For as long as there's breath there's a chance you'll be left with not a scar
but a view of your soul.
sfo Philosophy (context)
Self, ego, such... < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 10:29:05
"It's amazing to me that something that we all have so much experience of is still so hard to define and contemplate."
Perhaps we don't have experience in self, due to our current condition. Perhaps we are experienced in ego...a learned / taught / artificial substance.
As for being hard to define and contemplate, it is most difficult to accept the path that suits us most when we are inhibited by ego. At the end of discomfort lies serenity (J. Krishnamurti).
"The mind processes and experiences."
Self is a part of the mind. It becomes the full mind upon self-recognition. Universally.
"I understand evolution giving us..."
Evolution has not given us anything. Evolution is a tool, hardly understood in the mainstream, like self. The giving is from a higher plane...that of self, consciousness and the Universe.
We are bound together through many aspects such as evolution.
Upon recognition of self, the gift is the absence of fear. All things become apparent in their support of self, perpetually. Self recognizing self in all things.
sfo Philosophy (context)
Self is the < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 10:32:38
conscious force behind all of existence, at every plane and every aspect.
It's been called "God", "Goddess", "Nature" and many other things. It's been touted in the cosmos and referenced as a "soul" in living creatures.
In us, around us and through us.
It's Universal and it's always had the same agenda. As well as the same communicating frequency.
At least, from this perspective.
cin spirituality (context)
Thoughts seem < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 10:36:59
linear based upon cumulative review, until of course the moment is recognized for what it is. All encompassing, without time or space.
Self is quite linear. As is God. The illusion of ego is sequential, yet imperative to our being. A paradox within reality, that we are.
God and Free Will.
Superdeterminism and Quantum Mechanics. Not one or the other...both.
mon spirituality (context)
Dissent through < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 10:41:49
peaceful non-participation and replacement is quite effective.
It's the communication of the most advanced information (Evolutionarily speaking) that will set us free.
I just had a child. My hands are a bit full right now.
I am writing a full length movie, soundtrack and Evolutionary physical law that will set the species free.
It's on the blog at
As well, we are assembling the largest declaration of dissent EVER in human history.
Nutopian law is the replacement to the current system. As well, all of the supportive text is going to complete the package.
All of it free, all of it being communicated as we write. Check the blog. It's only a few months old and it's becoming a piece of people's psyche.
"The crisis is a crisis of consciousness." J. Krishnamurti
Fighting fire with fire will get me nowhere. It's not within my Self. I must remain true to my Self.
sfo Philosophy (context)
"The greater cause" < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 18:03:55
recognizes no reason for generational processes aside from culminating in the NOW for those that are listening.
You needn't concern if you are compensating your position with truth.
Again, I'm not selling anything. Once my new boy is old enough to straddle my shoulder as I speak, the message becomes personally communicated in personal discussion. First local and always uploaded for internet review.
It doesn't strike you at all that there's a possibility for exponential life, in your form? As well as your true self?
mfr Philosophy (context)
At what point < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 18:08:29
does a conspiracy become recognized as a formal racket? (something that is not what it seems to the majority of people)
At what point does fear mongering become the distribution of legitimate information?
As a philosopher, one should gain the insight to contemplate all forms of information from any source. There is nothing right or wrong, merely supportive in the evaluation of existence. Self should be the discriminator, nothing else, including egotistical false beliefs such as that in government agencies.
sfo Philosophy (context)
I do get what you are < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-01 18:15:19
Honesty is a choice once innocence is lost. Until then, the individual is merely acting upon elemental function for survival or merely existing apart from moral obligation.
I am suggesting that we are inherently honest and anything but is the result of poor social design / misunderstanding of self. Meaning, we are born as honest creatures. We speak our hearts the second we come to be, at any level. We are being honest to ourselves although it may seem selfish and needy to more "dishonest" observers.
As for the comparison of death, the more applicable comprehension would be, "must one die in order to comprehend life?" I'd suggest no, as we haven't seen that before, ever.
As for knowledge, what do we really know? We had a completely UNIQUE experience at one stage in our life and we are basing pre-determining factors (anticipation) upon a seemingly similar experience, yet, it's also a UNIQUE experience. We don't KNOW anything. We merely believe that the outcome of our action will be the same as our previous experience with said action. I suppose this is a very elemental philosophical discussion. That of knowledge / belief.
cin spirituality (context)
Facts are communicated in thoughts. < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-02 11:12:29
Thoughts are controllable, as in "Manufacturing Consent", the FDA allowing neuro-destabilizing chemicals in food processing, government / corporate racketeering (conspiring), etc...
One's "reality" is merely an indoctrinated description scientifically formulated to perpetuate an agenda, unless the individual BELIEVES in something else through the individual's own power.
What entity publishes the Oxford English Dictionary? Or more-so, allows the publication to exist as it does?
A belief is the individual's establishment of rationalizing his / her current status or existence. Of course, it can be manipulated with "facts" just as any other thought. However, the full body experience of recognizing the TRUTH has no doubt or question. The recognition of self.
In order to establish the "facts" we merely need to review our own life. In addition, if we can review a legitimate historical record, we can see that God is the only concept to facilitate the human condition as well as the mechanics of our environment around us. The human paradox. We see this in the progressive humanitarian movements of our history. The individual that was elemental in the concept of the movement was without doubt. Therefore, was in "God."
One of the oldest philosophical discussions was that of "free will" and determinism. As one comprehends the nature of reality (God) we can see that both are fully functioning in equal share.
sfo Philosophy (context)
My work is my < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-02 17:57:14
actuality. Everything I do goes into spreading awareness of the potential limiting factor of the human condition being that of humanity itself.
Merely a matter of observation. The "science experiment" has always been underway. It's all of us at every moment.
I fulfill my basic consumptive needs (food and shelter) through odd-jobs for now. I became obsolete not too long ago, in an economic sense. A member of the mortgage game. Never again. That experience led me to the place for self-reflection and ultimately self became quite relevant.
As for the simple need of the physical body, this is where one can either reduce or deduce the satisfaction of needs. Yes we can reduce our condition to the quality of our components. As well, we can deduce our condition upon holistic properties of our psyche. Therefore, the ultimate gauge of health is a condition of will. A psychological measuring stick. All in accordance to a simple question that you and I discussed some time ago.
"Are you consciously willing to live equal to your subconscious will to live?"
The species is experiencing it's current longevity / psychological limitations (capacity for recognizing the most effective method of adaptation) due to the way we treat each other / ourselves. We are each other. As L=(O-V)E shows us. As Dr. Bruce Lipton has shown us with Spontaneous Fractal Evolution. As the current death / birth rates across the globe show us.
So my friend, again, the discussion comes down to this. Human definition.
Just what, who and why are we? That is the root of my work, of that is my life. I make NO money for what I do. It's not necessary thanks to the Internet.
I put my faith in the Universe (God) to provide satisfaction for my being. So far, it works perfectly well. I prefer not to intervene. An odd job comes up and I temporarily satisfy my needs that way. The Universe allows me to intervene in communication of our potential. That is what I do.
kzo spirituality (context)
Individual...temporarily. < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-02 18:06:24
Define spirituality.
It appears that "spirituality" as I see it is a precursor to an individual's actuality. It's a system that dictates the reality for said individual. Therefore, it is effective in the individuals lifestyle. Therefore, it effects the whole at some level.
What is the stored energy of an individuals spirituality? Some people effect movements of change with their spirituality. MLK Jr had a dream. Gandhi stopped the British. Einstein reduced science to that of God's framework (and many before him...Planck, Newton, etc...)
So, the true teacher is the one that merely lives his / her spirituality. It isn't a lesson. It's an example.
Once the individual recognizes his / her self (spirit) the following actuality is what should interest us most, as we are all ridicule to that experience of observing his / her reality through our interpretation.
Yes, all men (women) are fit to lead each other in all matters, including that of self (spirituality).
In fact, it is essential in our transcendence as a species. As Maslow suggested near his death, Dr. Bruce Lipton currently suggests in his Fractal Evolution (Spontaneous Evolution) and L=(O-V)E represents.
The need for philosophy is to deduce reason for progression as to not fall into the systematic collapses of our predecessors. Perhaps the same is to be said for self-recognition / sentient communication.
unk spirituality (context)
Enlightenment < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-02 18:41:52
or "angelhood" (as we can call it here) results in the recognition of the PERFECTION of every moment of creation.
To claim "angelhood" one must first surrender to the all encompassing mind. That of "God" (Nature, Goddess, Universal Mind, Universe).
Upon recognizing our role as part of the divine creation we see that the orchestration is EXACTLY as it should be at all times. Now, we can listen to what is going on.
Many people claim to "believe in God." Yet, they are upset. WHY? If they believe that some force of being is bringing them their joys / wonders how could they eliminate this almighty force from bringing them actuality of a "negative" nature?
The simple answer is this. There are NO negative aspects of existence. All things are reasonable to ONE regard. That of LIFE. Through LOVE.
There is NO foolishness in being enlightened. All moments are there for YOU. The same is true for all other sentient beings. It's the stored energy (empirical karma, or what have you) that eliminates the individual from recognizing the divinity of self in all things.
Truly "above it all."
mfr Philosophy (context)
Ahh, the soul < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-03 10:33:52
of life is LOVE, dictating the Universe in it's entirety...for one purpose...LIFE.
The animal will struggle to survive, regardless of conditions. Until, the domestication of the ego comes in. At that point, experience / influence has generated the egotistical false belief systems and it is up to the individual to regenerate the same strive that the original innocence provided, when acting as animal completely dependent upon self.
After the "spirit is broken" all that remains is an individual disconnected from self.
During many of J. Krishnamurti's speeches he often cited man's "aggressiveness" as being part of the "animal in him."
I cling to a deeper root of human nature. As well as nature in all things. One of symbiotic fluidity with NO aggression whatsoever. An "Eden" of sorts.
Therefore, my interpretation of "soul" is exactly animal nature. In all things including the human being.
mfr Philosophy (context)
Most excellent < TruthFest2012 >
2010-07-03 10:39:02
indeed fine friend.
As well, the condition of healing is observed in my "provision" and that is most excellent as well. We are literally healing at a rate never seen before.
I believe this is due to the massive communication at hand. Just as individual cells once intelligently decided to work together to produce multicellular organisms. For health (adaptive) reasoning.
The human species is consciously coming together as the single organism we've always been. It's the fractal representation of our being. Particles making atoms making molecules making enzymes making proteins making cells making humans making humanity making Earth making our solar system making our galaxy making our Universe. (not necessarily in that order and many planes not present)
Most excellent INDEED!
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