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What We Are
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TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Expanding To Handle

Society's soul is the culture we all know. This is the energy we shift as we develop ourselves and cut away the fat of our own ways.

Today's prevailing culture is one of waste and decay. Otherwise simple, natural and blessed aspects of life have become coagulated by this culture; where we once have and will once again flow by these rights of passage.

One major aspect is...children.

We are taught by this culture of the physical burden of children. We are coached to choose when, how and why to become parents within the confines of shallow thinking. We are discouraged from understanding the true nature of procreation and what exactly this most righteous experience truly offers. We are told children are costly and if we take part we might be able to witness another person grow.

What we aren't told is of our own potential to expand. To grow. To witness ourselves flourish because of the unique opportunities parenthood provides.

Parenthood is not only about rearing children. It is more-so about developing self. Situations and experiences we feared in the past will come to light as easily confronted and handled because of our being a parent. Where we questioned intimate connection before we now understand and are filled by unconditional love.

Children open portals and break boundaries within and all around us. They remind us of who and what we really are. They are in fact leaders of God's way.

As this current culture falls away we will come to know many truths through these reminders.

May we all come to know more through these most blessed experiences.

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