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What We Are
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TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Mechanics of Truth

In the current developed world human beings function upon empirical interaction. We all put our reliability into the things that we can perceive with our sensory perception or 5 senses. We rely upon the mechanical nature of things. This is rightfully so as we are physical creatures. However, as we've stated throughout the entirety of TruthFest2012, we are more than physical creatures. This can easily be demonstrated when we evaluate the mechanics of truth.

As Mohandas Gandhi stated, "A 'NO' UTTERED FROM THE DEEPEST CONVICTION IS BETTER THAN A 'YES' MERELY UTTERED TO PLEASE, OR WORSE, TO AVOID TROUBLE." Why would Gandhi say this if he was a human being in a physical world? It is because Gandhi understood the mechanical implications on reality for not voicing your true belief in any given moment when confronted with an opportunity to do so.

For example, when an individual is having a bad day and somebody asks them how their day is, this is a perfect opportunity to inform the other person about how they are feeling. This would provide the opportunity for the other person to analyze the individuals situation and provide insight or nurturing to help work through the situation. This creates a mechanical interaction based upon a momentary expression of truth. A feeling that you believe comes from a specific situation. What happens if the individual decides to say that they are feeling fine and does not divulge the true feelings of their situation?

We can take this to a grander scale. Our developed societies are founded upon deceit. The very technology that we all rely upon has been implemented without completely understanding the biological implications of said technology. This is due to the need to perpetuate an economy to satisfy material acquisition that has also been implemented without completely understanding the biological implications of said material. All of this stated, it is simple to point out the disastrous mechanics of deceit versus the connective and healing mechanics of truth. Although the truth may be uncomfortable and seem intellectually irrelevant, the truth has a way of uncovering the deepest emotions from any individual within the location of said truth. We have been taught and lectured that democratic politics is the most effective way of communication and society. This would be true if there was not a physical limitation immediately present in the establishment of any doctrine. Simply by establishing a method of satisfying individuals we have missed the point completely. What is the point? That the truth cannot be interpreted for anyone by anyone. The truth is found within each of us. Natural reaction to each other's truth is the ONLY way to isolate a direct interpretation of the truth at any given moment. There has only been one established rule that dictates the truth as we are consistently being exposed to unique situations and there is only one law that has stood the test of time through every generation and all of material existence. LOVE. L=(O-V)E Therefore, we must not consider the perceived reaction of others when expressing our emotional perception of reality. We NEED all individuals to express how they feel in order to determine how we can best access the truth for all of mankind.

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