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Monday, August 16, 2010

"Health" Corner

[This is a recently written letter to the editor of The Sneak Preview in Ashland Oregon. It's a local newspaper. The letter is in response to an article that was propagating vaccinations]

Dear Editor,

You will notice in the subject of this letter that I've put the word Health into quotations. This has been done deliberately because of the context of the August 5th "Health Corner" section of The Sneak Preview. It would appear that Health has taken a back seat to economics once again.

In the article the FNP is claiming that "the only way to get our herd immunity back is by increasing vaccination rates of the entire community" as well that we should "think of your neighbor as well as yourself and make it a priority to vaccinate for the good of our community."

Well, let us take a look at these claims and determine just what the real issue is as well as what's truly best for Health.

First let us discuss immunity.

Many of us will recognize immunity as our capacity to remain healthy. Some will consider health as the absence of sickness. Either way, we all recognize a state of being that we would prefer to remain in. One without disease.

Now let us discuss disease.

To this day there is yet to be a mainstream Western medical establishment that truly acts upon the elemental nature of disease. This is due to the perpetuation of Pasteur's "Germ Theory of Disease" as well as a need to satisfy an economy.

Pasteur's Germ Theory of Disease has been debunked many times over. Here is a brief overview of the theory.

GERM THEORY (PASTEUR) (From Newtreatments.org)
Disease arises from micro-organisms outside the body.
Microorganisms are generally to be guarded against.
The function of microorganisms is constant.
The shapes and colours of microorganisms are constant
Every disease is associated with a partciular microorganism
Microorganisms are primary causal agents.
Disease can "strike" anybody.
To prevent disease we have to "build defences".

To begin comprehending where Pasteur's Germ Theory falls short, we merely need to look at Koch's Postulates.
1) The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should not be found in healthy animals.
2) The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.
3) The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
(Wikipedia.org, search for Koch's Postulates)

"Pasteur never quite fulfilled all the rules. He was not able to find the germ in all cases of a disease, and this is where his research became fraudulent. Additionally, many so-called pathogenic germs are often found in healthy people" MNWellDir.org

Any current day cellular biologist will understand that disease arises from agents (microorganisms) within the diseased. This is due to the TRUE nature of disease as shown in the late 1800's by Antoine Bechamp and the Cellular Theory of Disease as well as from the use of Darkfield Microscopes that show microorganisms being pleomorphic (that they can change and often do).

1. Disease arises from micro-organisms within the cells of the body.
2.These intracellular microorganisms normally function to build and assist in the metabolic processes of the body.
3.The function of these organisms changes to assist in the catabolic (disintegration) processes of the host organism when that organism dies or is injured, which may be chemical as well as mechanical.
4.Microrganisms change their shapes and colours to reflect the medium
5. Every disease is associated with a particular condition.
6. Microorganisms become "pathogenic" as the health of the host organism deteriorates. Hence, the condition of the host organism is the primary causal agent.
7. Disease is built by unhealthy conditions.
8. To prevent disease we have to create health.

To put it quite simply, vaccinations simply cannot work. It is physically impossible. With microorganisms being adaptable the capitalist system has designed a nearly perfect business model. Keep the population sick and sell a band-aid.

In fact, here is some information on the nature of vaccinations from "Modern Foods: Sabotage of the Earth's Food Supply" Casper / Stone

"Although vaccines are not usually thought of as food, they do represent a modern advent which is placed directly into the body...it is now widely recognized by many researchers that vaccines are plagued by contamination from other sources as well, including preservatives such as formaldehyde, mercury and polysorbate. Also, because of their intimate contact with animal material, vaccines often are contaminated with harmful microbes such as viruses. In addition, miscellaneous animal-sourced fragments of RNA and DNA can be contained within the finished vaccine, forming latent proviruses that can later become activated as diseases such as cancer, lupus and arthritis." (page 95, Food Borne Pathogens chapter)

It is a commonly held belief that vaccinations provide immunity. Many people even go so far as to call them immunizations. This could not be farther from the truth.

As Casper outlines in "Modern Foods", diseases are perpetuated through vaccination. This may come as a startling shock to many yet some of us would not be surprised that such a devious tactic has been used to facilitate ill-health in the name of capital interests.

So, before we rally the community in an effort to stagnate our growth in the name of "getting our herd's immunity back" let us be thorough in our comprehension of what's being suggested. We have an FNP (that has been educated within the confines of an economic stimulus system which has ALWAYS put economic growth ahead of environmental sustainability) claiming to comprehend the healthy choice.

As Michael Altman recently touched upon in his JPR Feature:

'On June 2nd President Obama addressed Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "Our continued dependence on fossil fuels will jeopardize our national security," he declared; "it will smother our planet and it will continue to put our economy and our environment at risk." In the order of the words "economy" and "environment" Mr. Obama said a lot. Until we put our environment ahead of the economy-with all the economic hardship that may involve in the short term-our health will remain at risk and our economy will remain unsustainable.'

Leaving our health decisions in the hands of those facilitating capital interests is NOT in our own interest nor in the interest of our neighbor. Many of us in Ashland and surrounding communities comprehend this. Hence the growing rate of non-vaccinated children.

As a father my son will NEVER have a vaccination put into his body. If an entity ever forces the matter there will be a lawsuit placed against said entity in the name of "Assault with a deadly weapon." For more information on protecting your rights as a human being go to http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/legally_avoid_shots.htm

I know that my child will handle any cellular "warfare" that is placed within his environment because my family focuses on health and wellness. "Sickness" is seen as healing in my family.

I look forward to the day when Ashland will set the bar for being amongst the healthiest communities on the planet. With the rising rate of non-immunized children it appears that the truth is setting in.

Peace to all.

Phil LeGault
Ashland, OR