What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Analyze the Will to Survive

The hinging facet of the Cumulative Human Organism is our will to survive, both individually and as a whole.  All aspects of global health fall within an understanding of our conscious state.  Stumbling upon a great website title www.whenonepercent.org has shown some great information regarding a cumulative effect of group consciousness.  It has become quite obvious in our physical understanding that our own consciousness has an effect on our state of being, environmentally and internally.  Take this to a collective level and One% is showing the positive effects on a grander scale.  When this understanding is put amongst the physics of L=(O-V)E we can see a synchronicity form.  The message is simple: gather as many like hearts and minds and perform ritual healing as often as possible.  It's only a matter of evolution before we are reconnected consciously with each other across the globe completely.  Let us all be an active part of making this transition into the values of nature.  LOVE and Peace.

Monday, May 20, 2013

At the Root, From the Heart

It is with great pleasure that the announcement of TruthFest Continuum's actuality finally arrive at definition!  This movement is a spiritual vessel for the assembly of the largest collective human consciousness the world has ever seen in modern times.  This truth movement will focus on targeting the elitist controlling forces of humanity with directed conscious prayer, offering forgiveness and acceptance into the values of righteousness.  The "Truthfest: Human Continuum" documentary will put together the missing links of our human potential, organize the conscious beings on the planet in such a way as to gain realized physical momentum and target the controlling elite with both a prayer and message that will leave humanity with no option but to evolve beyond the consumptive and confused state that our species is currently in.  The hope is for planet rehabilitation, all species both flora and fauna included.  There is no end, only change.  Peace.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Living Perfection May Not Seem Ideal

Throughout our human lives we come to many different crossroads.  Sometimes we experience pain upon these experiences.  If we look back upon our life at these experiences, how much of that pain was existent due to our relentless pursuit of our ideals?  Was it our own expectations upon said ideals that were not fulfilled?  At the same time, we can also look back upon many moments of seeming perfection.  Serendipity.  The moment when all things connect and everything seems as one.  Why is it that we lose sight of this feeling?  Why do we continually brush aside this recognition of the divine, establish expectations within what we would prefer to be reality and pursue another lesson from the "hard way?"  At what point will we relish in the moment of perfection and cling loosely to our ideals?  A powerful way is in our meditation or prayer.  When we pray for the end result of peace, LOVE, togetherness and a feeling of perfection rather than an idealistic way to achieve such, we allow the divine mind of God unbridled freedom toward our righteous actuality.  It is our own ideals that stand in the way of truth.  Once we align our ideals with that of truth we will be able to experience the perfection that is always present.  Peace.