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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Electron "Spin"...the missing link.

There is a recurring theme that can be measured when observing the action of modern science. Complication. Rather than simplifying the procedure by identifying the PURPOSE of the procedure and weighing the PURPOSE against the evidence (reality), the highest mathematical formulas are applied and the very NATURE that the science is attempting to discover is being ignored. Throughout time, certain individuals have been able to grasp the complexity and perfection of NATURE and have made astounding expressions of their understanding of ALREADY OCCURRING NATURAL PHENOMENA, or, reality. The highlighted words of the latter sentence are key in understanding our intellectual boundaries. Nature simply occurs. Always. What does this mean? It means that there is symmetry to be found in everything. Balance and proportional interaction. Currently, CERN and other physicist facilities are working to uncover the next elementary particle or energy. Higgs Boson, the Graviton, anti-matter and anything else that is currently unobservable yet theoretically influential within the nature of things, are being sought through highly technical (complicated) procedures. These procedures are reliant upon input calculations (for operating the machines) that are determined by current time intellectual understanding of natural phenomenon. This means that these massive energy consuming machines such as the Large Hadron Collider, are at the mercy of scientific understanding and therefore only perform results that are intellectually observable. Meaning, they are looking for something that they don't have the capacity to observe. Why? Because they aren't willing to reconsider their input calculations. For example, the missing link for determining calculations is the reliability of Quantum Mechanics. What is Quantum Mechanics? Essentially the most complex attempt at predicting natural phenomena, or, reality that is built upon uncertain variables. Where does it fail? In it's inability at understanding Electron Spin. How would this effect the input approximations of high energy field generators such as the LHC? Fundamental equations within modern Quantum Mechanics takes into account PROBABILITY and UNCERTAINTY. As Einstein and Newton (and many others before them) understood, there are no unprobable or uncertain events in the nature of things, or, reality. We simply do not have the intellectual ability to observe the perfection of said events as we are BOUND by the laws of observation and inherently effect the observational field, and ultimately the experiment, by observing. We are a part of the perfect mechanical function of reality. We impact reality in ways that we currently are unwilling to explore and comprehend. So, what does all of this mean? It means that high and low energy calculations (massive and mass-less) would be more exact if we considered the relation of the two. The direct proportion of the two. Theoretical physicists would get much closer at detecting Electron Spin and actual location (low energy) if they would observe the massive interaction as the fundamental interactions of all things literally applies to all things. Therefore, calculus may need to be revisited for particle interaction where it has simply been shrouded in fantasy and misunderstanding, or, modern Quantum Mechanics, and left to the observable universe. If we want to predict electron location EXACTLY and truly unlock our potential access to the next level of observable energy function, we need to look at the universe for what it is. The blueprint of ourselves.

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