What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Thursday, May 30, 2024


Realizing the truth is a fundamental asset in our human condition. How we come to realize such is a major part of becoming what we are.

As we co-create reality and our experiential circumstances, or life, we often utilize our mind in ways we might not realize are happening.

Our imagination plays an integral role in these happenings. Our ability to formulate a circumstance before it happens or to visualize in our minds eye without it ever needing happen is very powerful on it's own sense.

The authority of our creative force is pronounced by our capacity to see a picture before it is painted; at the same time, we can know a truth by reshaping our perception of it upon new thinking and new perspective. This "imaginary imagery" is paramount for comprehending the cutting edge of human potential and just where we are headed.

When we look at any aspect of reality and see in a specific fashion there are consequences. All the same, when we reimagine the same aspect in new light or with new reason, we can completely alter the course of it's influence and standing in reality.

This is how we unlock true potential. We gain oversight for reason; we set reality free to blossom.

It is our imagination where we find the power to co-create the most valuable circumstances because God has only provided a loving condition...it is up to us to settle our senses and comprehend this most righteous reality.

Imagine that.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Expanding To Handle

Society's soul is the culture we all know. This is the energy we shift as we develop ourselves and cut away the fat of our own ways.

Today's prevailing culture is one of waste and decay. Otherwise simple, natural and blessed aspects of life have become coagulated by this culture; where we once have and will once again flow by these rights of passage.

One major aspect is...children.

We are taught by this culture of the physical burden of children. We are coached to choose when, how and why to become parents within the confines of shallow thinking. We are discouraged from understanding the true nature of procreation and what exactly this most righteous experience truly offers. We are told children are costly and if we take part we might be able to witness another person grow.

What we aren't told is of our own potential to expand. To grow. To witness ourselves flourish because of the unique opportunities parenthood provides.

Parenthood is not only about rearing children. It is more-so about developing self. Situations and experiences we feared in the past will come to light as easily confronted and handled because of our being a parent. Where we questioned intimate connection before we now understand and are filled by unconditional love.

Children open portals and break boundaries within and all around us. They remind us of who and what we really are. They are in fact leaders of God's way.

As this current culture falls away we will come to know many truths through these reminders.

May we all come to know more through these most blessed experiences.

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Light of Life

Just as reality is best realized as every shade of grey entangled to perfection, we can see things as light and dark.

Where we've been taught and civilized into believing the darkness is required to see the light, this isn't necessarily true in the most human sense of being.

We are here for a greater reason. The cycles we have the potential to interrupt and redirect might most be understood as life through light. Where we bring light there will be the gift of life.

When we focus on passing, the past, ends and withouts we enter the darker shades of grey. Under the rules of human longevity and the cumulative human organism, we are here with the potential to find eternal life upon the lighter shades of grey and ultimately, pure light.

When we emerse ourselves in true pure light, life is the gift.

Follow the heart. Love leads the way.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Led By Injury; Cyclical Trauma

The rules of reality are established. There is no avoiding divinity.

We are so loved by God and creation we are completely accountable to our position. What we experience is directly a part of our development and infinite becoming.

This is a direct implication of free-will. Our existence is rooted in what we are...the outcome of our choices. God amplifies our perspective within our mindset so we can experience BEING; the greatest gift.

There are no victims in true reality. Victimhood is a position held by those of us who cease to develop beyond the trauma and ignore the opportunity to grow. The cycle will repeat so long as we bear the heading of our situation and fail to honor a new course. Often times this manifests in blame games and false labeling. Trust becomes a primary issue. We see others as enemies requiring isolation from rather than the angels they truly are who carry the primary situations for our growth and recollections; without experience we cease to exist.

When we are ready to grow, we expand to embrace the past struggles and similar if not the same situations now become opportunities and then ultimately fade away. Our being is broadened and new chances occur. We become led by love rather than injury.

Isolation is a temporal state. Self-transcendence is a sign of moving forward. As always, as the rules show, unity is an outcome of a healed humanity.

May we rise beyond, trust each other and come together!

This is how we move forward.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Paths Crossing; Entanglement

The power of our thoughts to influence our position from where we stand is beyond measure. We can take any situation and alter the perspective based on what we think about it. Combined with our emotional state and our balance with what is actually happening we form a powerful mind within the web of reality.

There are many ways to view the fabric of reality. The way we imagine this fabric to be influences every single aspect and situation we experience in our lives.

We can use this to our benefit as there are righteous fundamentals at play of that we are able to align with and build upon. Our bodies are created to thrive when we are aligned righteously; our experiences and situations become opportunities when we move with divinely inspired intentions.

Our paths cross for great reasons. Even if we aren't sure of the reason we can base our interactions on that simple logic. Our meeting and crossing is by divine intelligent design.

Notice the difference in how we feel when we consider that perspective in our socialization.

It is often a novelty notion to cry out "namaste" between "spiritual" folk. If we are sincere in that gesture it might inspire us to truly entangle one another. Maybe just as people throw "I love you" around with little meaning, we might reserve these most powerful statements for true willingness to appreciate and value our entanglements.

When we cross paths, God has directly placed us in these positions for the most great reasons.

Our success as developing humans is based exclusively on our intermingling, cooperation, growing together and ultimately procreating just as we were born into existence.

Our souls are on a journey yes. To discredit this reality and these bodies as temporal is based on limited scope thinking and a general disrespect, a darkening, of the light bearing Lord's desire for us to thrive upon our greatest potential.

We are transitioning into beings capable of embracing and utilizing our innate interconnectedness. Where we've been mostly socialized by ill-intentioned and greedcentric societies, we have reached the event horizon of these death bringing cycles and life bringing divinity awaits.

As we move about, both internet energetically and upon the direct physical plane, give appreciation to the absolute value of sharing a path with another co-creator amongst you.

MEAN Namaste when we say it. LISTEN when we ask how others are doing.

These paths are by design. Our entanglement means EVERYTHING. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

The Walls

God places walls around us so we will gain the necessary traits to move beyond them.

No wall is insurmountable. No wall is without reason. No wall is bigger than each of us.

We are trained by society to move within the walls; to stay behind them. When large obstacles stand in our way we are taught to go back to work, go back to studying, go back to whatever it is that keeps pace with the walls in place. Most repeat the cycle...perpetuating the bittersweet symphony. Generation after generation to feed the machine.

Entire empires rely on these walls in the form of the boxes maintaining the foundation with the hardest to overcome often the invisible ones programmed inside our head.

When we free ourselves of the boxes and pursue our greatest visions and dreams, these foundations wither and the false societies with them.

What remains is a cutting edge human.

The potential of cutting edge humans is what we need and where we are headed.

May we find the strength Lord to know of your LOVE for us in providing these challenges so that we may find, know and free ourselves of the box to fly...

and UNITE!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Body

To understand the body.

The layers of our body exist both as a two-way communication, transmutation and expression device as well as a force-carrying humanitarian quality indicator.

Once we understand creation being monitored by our witnessing as well as our condition within this body, sensitive to our perception of and entanglement with our environment, we can come to know our eyes are not our own. At the same time, our body is expressing the outcome of our thinking; what we think of and how we feel about creation seeps through our pores. We listen with and can listen to our body.

This ultimately leads us to realize two things: 

One: healing is a factor of mindset. Our experience healthily is an outcome of our perception and how we relay creation to ourselves.

Two: advanced aging is a factor of a greater condition not controlled by individual factors alone. Advanced aging, the timing of cellular senescence, is controlled by the perception of ALL of humanity at any given time.

This is a fractal blueprint. Our bodies are a body within a greater body.

We are made in the image of indeed...

Uncomfortable Desires; Less is More

How do we sleep well at night?

Self-preservation is an interesting concept.

Some people lead a life of things; focusing on accumulating layers of "security" around themselves, chasing more and more stuff as if that will ensure a more preserved future. A bigger house. More cars. Security systems and mountains of cash.

Some people find comfort in less. A ditch on the side of the road will suffice if that's what presents itself.

What way is right?

The body tells.

There is a vast bed of comfort afforded to those who find value in less. The simple nature of less opens a portal otherwise cluttered by the noise of more. Where more might bring anxiety, worry and stress, less will most certainly provide a unique level of comfort.

Simplifying our desires creates the space for The Lord to rest our mind and connect with our soul.

Repurposing other's waste, enjoying shunned things, getting the most out of old stuff, living peacefully in situations thought of as "uncomfortable" by a noisy culture...

shows great appreciation and the value you hold of God's creation. It says, "I AM OKAY HERE" as an act of spiritual resilience. Peace ensues.

Thank You Lord for showing me and Thank You God for granting me the opportunity to enjoy comfort in my own skin with the abundance you have afforded me. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Stupid? Trust and Work

You are not stupid. You're mislead. Your work is yet to be targeted in the direction to best serve you.

Modern culture breeds a sensation of inadequacy. This is how authoritarianism reigns. This allows individuals to be idolized. In reality, we KNOW there is no man to rule another. Only God will last as King.

Where have we placed our trust? Think on that. When the answer becomes only God, we have arrived and are righteously conditioned for potential Being. Common practices will leave us wise for the outcome of His and our shared desire and the "emergencies" of culture will fade. No more disease. No more cyclical suffering.

So long as we idolize fellow humans and hold ourselves below or subservient to an unrighteous master's decree...

We will feel stupid.

It is time to rework our systems of thought. It is time to aim directly within the light, within ourselves and AT God.

We are not stupid.

We're hurt, misled and maligned.

Time to heal.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Beauty Beheld; The Warmth

The eyes of the beholder, what brings them to light?

To witness the true beauty of creation, we observe most clearly when our light is burning from within.

Emerging ourselves in the aspects of life fueling this fire maintains a capacity to recognize the beauty. This is why we join together; We require The Warmth to exist as our best selves.

When The Warmth dims in THIS life and the beyond becomes our focus, we begin the transition beyond life. Beauty fades from our sight...we relinquish life and exchange our place for the other side.

I aim to amplify the desire to exist alongside The Warmth. I aim to nurture the light energy from within each of us as to maximize all of our capacity to enjoy the Eternal Beauty of creation!

God willing...we shall FLOURISH!

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Center

The solution for longevity is simple:

Align conscious focus with the ever-present truth of reality and the bonds will last.

In an ever changing human landscape where the truth can be disguised by corrupt intentions, mysterious ways or unlearned lessons, it can seem as of our existence is unorganized. This amplifies as we toil with loss and transformation.

However, there is a code which can be utilized. Once it is realized the code is unbreakable because it is the sincere bedrock of true existence.


When we come to know the personality of God within ALL of reality, at the root of ALL things, experiences, circumstances and being, we see Jesus as that person. He is our intermediary to the divine balance of ALL.

He is our truth.

So when we align our center upon this truth in the many aspects of our lives, we gain the maximum potential for these things and situations because Jesus is inexhaustible; He remains.

In relationship, between lover, siblings, children or any relation, putting Jesus first as the center will create a bond between these relationships of maximum strength; unconditionality becomes the cornerstone as LOVE flows from Him infinitely with fortitude, endurance, stamina and all conditions nurtured to embrace the true essence of those we share our reality with.

We shall be wed in the light of the Lord.

This is how we center ourselves for maximum potential.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Loving Arms

The Embrace never relinquishes.

We are held in Loving Arms always. With every breath we prove the divinity of existence. There are no victims...only confusion as we venture toward The Light.

In times of seeming darkness, struggle, pain and sorrow, it is natural to lose sight of The Embrace. This is an act of humanity. We are endowed with personality and we are elected to experience an entire spectrum of emotion as we fly by trial and seeming error. Of course there is no error in reality.

We are being shown The Light.

Some of us are fortunate enough to experience The Light with our living breath. Some of us will upon our passing breath.

Regardless, we will ALL come to know we have always been, are and will always be held within the Loving Arms of Our Father.

Thank you Lord for choosing me to see.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Original Thought

With enough heartfelt and honestly inspired discourse, we might be able to boil reality down to a few prominent divine concepts.

Countless amounts of data and seemingly unlimited information flows throughout time within the coffers of human thinking.

How much of this is original thought? How much of this is just a complicated version of the same old thinking?

Scope matters. Intention matters 

Zooming in or out with a desire for truth will reveal the primary subject matter for a school of thought.

At the root of a subject we can see what the inspiration is. Entire civilizations are built upon the roots of these matters.

Most civilizations cease to exist and transform into yet again, a more complicated or different version of the past; humans toiling to realize themselves.

Perhaps if we boil it all down enough we might find where God has implemented an Original Thought to build upon rather than a mutated version of man's egotistical logic or confusion. With enough soul searching we will undoubtedly see the details and noise are merely distractions within a void minus a few blatant Divine Concepts.

Jesus might be the last and most recent sincere original thinker.

We all know how confused civilization has become upon His wisdom.

Rather than continue to interpret and materialize regurgitated concepts upon dead words regardless of their source, maybe we can find new life upon new thinking from the Original Source.

Many molds must be broken to consider Original Thought. We'd need to drop religions, education, society at large, the noise and toxicity of culture, see beyond the fabric of what we've come to know...

we'd maybe stop breathing and then 

The Voice might then be able to speak so we can channel an Original Thought.