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Saturday, July 5, 2014

An Evolutionary Conundrum

It has become abundantly clear within modern American culture that we parents and caretakers are to teach our children from the moment of conception throughout the child's life.

There are programs for educational music while the baby is in the womb, interactive DVD's for toddlers, head-start, preschool and we all know how "education" is available throughout our adult lives.

The question is this: Are we serving the child and the greater good through directing the thought patterns of the children we are a part of?

In evolutionary terms we are not.  Genetically speaking, the future generations of our species are enhanced to better thrive in the current environment.  With the proper environment free from danger, fear, pain and suffering, a child will adapt and grow to be exactly what his / her world needs as well as what they themselves need for proper livability.  This is shown in much of the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton as well as Dr. Michele Odent.

So when we do anything for our children besides holding space for them to grow, we are simply altering the course of their thought process for adapting to their world.  In the United States, we have standardized the growth pattern for both thinking and physical development of our children.  We have established a limitation for what a child should be, think and do.  This "percentile" system indoctrinates us caretakers with a belief that our child should be at a certain stage of development at each moment of their life.

How is this possible if our own evolution is constantly altering our make-up for betterment?  It's not.

In fact, educational systems that encourage the individual development of the child rather than the herd development are proving the ineffectiveness of the American standard.

Waldorf, Montessori and Anastasia schools as well as home-schooling are providing more harmonious methods for early development.  The children associated with these schools are proving to be more confident, intelligent and healthy.  There are far less tests, grading and standardization and this is leading to less fear and suffering within the education.  Ultimately, the children are more free to grow.

In the Anastasia schools the children determine the curriculum.  In fact, there are no teachers.

This is the ultimate example of evolutionary understanding at practice in an educational system.

If we are to understand our very own being, we must reflect that understanding by acting upon the most ideal method for preparing our children for life.  In the United States, we have trampled upon the highest evolutionary understanding by force implementing an utter conundrum into our mainstream education systems.  This has impacted the health of our entire human population in a negative fashion.

Once you see the evolutionary conundrum and accept that we must have nothing more to do with it we will begin to heal and accept the most effective methods for providing our children with the tools needed to thrive.

After all, they are nature's blueprint of the most advanced beings alive.  I can hardly wait to see what they have in store for our Universe!


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