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TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be As The Children

The recent inactivity upon this blog has been due to a "family emergency" in that my wife, son and I all moved in with my Dad and Step-Mom. Things are fine as always and there has been much learned. The greatest of all learned in this experience is the consideration of the wisdom of the young. The innate qualities of the newest members of our species in comparison to the learned habits of the old. In my studies and observations I have noticed that the young are chemically / genetically / molecularly prepared on a more adaptive level for the environment than the old. Meaning...when Jesus suggested that we "be as the children" perhaps there was more to that quip than has been considered. Perhaps Nature / God / Cumulative Universal Mind works to communicate the most effective methods of adaptation through the newest offspring. In my life this would seem to be the case. I am fully prepared to observe, listen and act upon the wisdom of my child and other children in my life. I feel that I have been a true testament for health and healing for my family that is a generation ahead of me. Regardless of their inability to listen there is nothing that suggests we cannot make a change and consider the pure wisdom of innocence in our quest for human potential.

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