What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Saturday, September 20, 2014

To Be Man

Choice.  It all boils down to choice.  What separates man from all else?  Choice.

Growing up as a male human in modern day America comes with it's burdens as well as it's benefits.  A commonly addressed idea is that of being a man.  I'd like to take it a step further and address the idea of what it means to be man.  That is, a living and breathing human alive today.  Just what makes any of us special who are capable of reading this text?

I recently viewed the documentary "Fed Up".  The topic of the film centered around the American public having lost choice in our general ability to regulate the type of food we eat and have made available to us by the food industry.  It highlights the obesity rate as well as the skyrocketing metabolic disease rates amongst children today.  In the end, sugar is the tool the money-hoarding corporate juggernauts are utilizing to keep us sick and addicted, ultimately ending our capacity to choose otherwise.  Simply put, we are incapable of overcoming our own demise at the mercy of our taste buds unless those of us who still remain capable stand up for each and every one of us.

It was this film that helped inspire this writing.  I've been meaning to put a finger on exactly what separated my being from that of any other living creature on our planet.  Not only that, it has helped illuminate the truth as to what brings about the potential within myself.  What it means to be man.

The creative construction of reality has been the topic for much of this blog.  We are the force carriers of the highest consciousness and therefore are the constructors of reality.  What we believe and ultimately act upon determines each and every moment.  Our collective being, as humans, leads to the particle dance of every atom and ultimately to every form of all matter.  Our general thought patterns are the collective conscious and we are the physical dictators of reality.

Therefore, if many of us are being lead to doubt ourselves, fall in line, become sheep-like and ultimately give in to the choices of monetarily motivated corporations that are NOT alive yet are composed of sellout half-blood humans, our general reality will include the structures of the psychopaths who are orchestrating the events.

When we see an obesity epidemic, we are getting exactly what we are being led to choose.  It is by our consent that we are indeed destroying ourselves.  We are accountable for reality.  So who is making these choices and why are they doing so?  Each and every one of us.

We are all attached to the baggage of our history as a complete organism.  Within our cells is a memory so vast and far reaching that each and every moment of existence is etched within the walls of our DNA.  When we realize this truth the burden may seem overwhelming however it can also become empowering.  For it is up to us, as a collective, to generate the willpower and focus needed to end poisonous endeavors.  For those who have fallen into the trap of addiction, be it food, substance or ideals, the trap is not nearly as debilitating as the trap for those who are utilizing their conscious creativity (choice) to manipulate others for their own personal gain.

In this case money is indeed the root of all evil.  The decisions of the psychopathic corporations and their board rooms are solely based around a bottom line of money.  There is no other explanation.  In fact it's easy to trace and see for yourself.  Just take an hour and watch the documentary "Fed Up" as well as "The Corporation" and you can see for yourself.  Noam Chomsky wrote it quite succinctly in "Manufacturing Consent".

The truth is quite available.  Unfortunately, many of us have clouded vision due to having forfeited our power to others and it is up to those of us with clarity to see us through this storm.

Peace kind souls.