What We Are

What We Are
We Are One

TruthFest Continuum

TruthFest Continuum
Celebrating our transition to truth, declaring our disgust with deceit.

Intro video to the Cumulative Human Organism Theory


Saturday, March 27, 2010

In 2012, the world will see our numbers!

Fellow truth advocates: The time is now! We are assembling the largest human gathering EVER. As the truth continues to set people free, hundreds of thousands are joining worldwide to take action against the deceit, corruption and oppression that occurs from flawed society design. In 2012, we will announce the global acceptance of a new foundation of standards. A new value system that can be shared by every child, woman and man on this planet. For more information on this value system, feel free to visit www.TheZeitgeistMovement.com. The work of Peter Joseph is an excellent starting point into the real issues of today, along with a tremendous network of information and education material for creating a plan of action. Again, the summer of 2012 we will unite along with a global internet stream and announce the truth to the world! Until then, keep up the good education and being a part of the solution! Thank you very much!